
『進撃の巨人』ファイナルシーズンPart1 海外の反応・感想【全16話】ワクワクが止まらない!



You either die a racist or live long enough to see yourself become a yeagerist


Seeing how the plot is turning, does anyone else get AKIRA vibes? Eren and Tetsuo seem to share many parallels. From their wardrobe of the singular cape to his distant attitude which stems from a rough past – the Yeagerists have now formed somewhat of a cult which reminds me a lot of the factions that formed within the manga (AKIRA). and his powers ! < how could I forget >

プロットの方向転換を見て、誰かAKIRAのバイブスを感じた人いる? エレンと鉄雄には多くの類似点があるよ。彼らの服装と彼の辛い過去からくるよそよそしい態度、そしてイェーガー派は今はカルトみたいな様相を呈してる、これってAKIRAの漫画を思い起こさせるよ。 それと彼のパワーもね!

All this episode did for me was give me confidence there will be a S4 part 2.


This season is confirmed to be ending on Ch.116, leaving 23 chapters unadapted so yeah we are gonna get a part 2 for sure


Zachary finally dead. Never liked the slimy bastard.


What a mess… Yeagerism yay!

なんてこった… イェーガー派、イエイ!

wait, yelena is a chick?


Always has been


Okay Eren, we get it, you’re hot.


This episode aired at the same time with the coup detat currently happening in Myanmar. Isayama is a genius.


What’s up with Hange’s weird reaction when talking to Onyankopon? She kind of just stood up and screamed? And then next scene they’re just talking?


In the manga (and anime too) it’s presented exactly like that. She makes a face like that, Onyankopon reacts to it, then it cuts to him already being briefed about Yelena. The meaning behind her face there is a mix of really hoping to trust Onyankopon, checking if he’s lying by doing something suddenly, just being incredibly stressed by the situation and responsibilities she has in general and finally, Hange being Hange.

漫画でもまさにあれと同じように描かれてたよ。彼女はああいう顔をして、オニャンコポンもああいう反応をした。そしてイェレナについて話しだす。 彼女の表情の裏にある意味はオニャンコポンを信じたい気持ちと彼が嘘をついてないか確かめる気持ちとか混ざってるんだよ。そしてあの状況と彼女が負ってる責任で信じられないほどのストレスにさらされてるってだけ。ハンジはハンジだよ。

It seemed to me she’s just in tough position and was like begging and trying to see if she could really trust Onyankopon.


looks like they’re setting up an Eren vs Levi standoff


God Ereh is so hot.


So much real world allegories in this episode heh. Funnily enough, the yeagarist (?) reminded me of trump supporters who stormed the capitol this year. But I guess they had more similarities with isil with the whole chanting thing and using suicide bombs and corrupting the young recruits. Gotta give it to Isayama, very ballsy move and could easily be taken out of context to use against the series.

このエピソードには多くの現実世界のアレゴリーがあるな。奇妙なことに、イェーガー派は議会議事堂を襲撃したトランプ支持者たちを思い起こさせるよ。でも、あの声をそろえて叫ぶのとか、自爆テロとか若い兵たちに道を誤らせるのとかはイスラム国(ISIL)ともっと類似点があるかな。 諌山はすごいよ、すごく勇気のある展開だよ、だってこれでこの作品に反感を持つ人もいるだろうからね。

tons of plot stuff happening and people just talking about how hot Eren is. Love it


I am scared that we might see EREN vs LEVI soon..! And when it happens I want LEVI to kick his ass again.. But it will ruin the plot….. But I don’t want LEVI loosing to him either.. So let us Let LEVI kick EREN’s ass and then EREN would speak some words that would change LEVI’s mind If this happens… Plot remains the same😍 Levi kicks EREN’s ass againnn😍😍😍🫀🫀😍😍

オレはもうすぐ エレン vs リヴァイを見ることになるんじゃないかってこわいよ…! それが起こった時には、オレはリヴァイにエレンを倒してほしい…けど、そうするとプロットを台無しにするな…だけどオレはリヴァイに負けてほしくない… つまり、リヴァイにエレンを倒させて、そしてエレンが何か言って、それがリヴァイの気を変えさせる、もしそうなったら…プロットは同じままだよ😍リヴァイ、エレンをまた倒してくれ😍😍😍🫀🫀😍😍

Eldia just became Ireland. At this point, I have literally no idea what I should think of Eren.

エルディアはアイルランドみたいになったな。 この時点では、オレはエレンについてどう思ったらいいのかマジでわからない。

what was the song that was playing in the end. That **** was good


https://youtu.be/8qrWQN04EXM https://youtu.be/AB_VcplQEzU These are just covers but they’re hella good…..the OSTs will release with the blu-rays. THe OSTs this season have been godly.


Levi will be back in the next episode!!


Does anyone sometime forget that Armin is the colossal titan lol


I think Armin sometimes forgets it too.


Anime Only here. But the last couple episodes felt very political. No worries though. I like politics. And I’m expecting it to be a worthwhile wait.

オレはアニメのみだけど、最近の数エピソードはすごく政治的に感じる。 そうは言っても心配無用、オレは政治的なの好きだからね。そしてオレはこれが待つ価値のあるものになるって思ってるよ。

Reminds me of early game of thrones which I love!


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