
『進撃の巨人』ファイナルシーズンPart1 海外の反応・感想【全16話】ワクワクが止まらない!



Well I am crying. Manga reader and seeing this getting animated it’s giving me the feeling that it is all coming to an end somehow. Every episode gives me chill, everything is starting to click perfectly in this poetry.

ええと、オレは泣いてる。 マンガ読者として、これがアニメ化されたのを見ると終わりに近づいてるんだって感じがするよ。 すべてのエピソードに鳥肌が立つし、すべてが辻褄が合うようになってきた。

Amazing episode! It felt too short XD I’m not really bothered by the CGI used. It’s actually used way better than most other anime imo RIP Udo & Zofia. Damn MAPPA make all these Warrior candidates likeable. I don’t even remember them in the manga back then My only complain is why they make my king Floch chubby??!!

アメージングなエピソード!すごく短く感じたよ! オレはCGIはあんまり気にならないな。実際オレは他のほとんどのアニメよりよっぽどうまく使われてると思うけどね。 RIP、ウドとゾフィア。MAPPAは彼らをみんな好感が持てる感じにしたな。マンガで読んだときはオレは彼らのことを覚えてさえいないのに。 オレの唯一の不満は、どうしてオレのフロックを太っちょにしたんだ??!!

I’ll be honest, I liked some of the cgi, and thought some of it looked kinda stiffy (not terrible, that would just be wilfully exaggerating to prove a point). But none of that ruins a good story for me


This is so good. I rewatched it 6 times already haha. CGI was great, and fluid. I actually liked the titan movements here than some titan movements from the past seasons even in season 2! Can’t wait for future episodes!


Is it just me that enjoys the dialogue scenes in AoT more than the action?


There’s so many emotions in each conversation


Dialogue scenes in this season have been really good


I’m so glad I binged from season 2 to episode 65. THIS IS SO ****ING HYPE!! IVE BEEN MISSING THIS FOR LITERALLY 6 YEARS


Been saving the 3 latest episodes so I can watch it in a row. Just finished watching it now and freaking worth it! Those cliffhanger would’ve kills me although I’m a manga reader.


Wou i admire your patience lol


this masterpiece of an episode gave me more goosebumps than anything i’ve ever seen on screen, even more then Perfect Game episode and Hero episode


FAAAaaAk, I’m glad I held on and didn’t read the latter parts of the manga. Seeing this animated is so freakin’ badass!


The Warhammer Titan looked like a stand to me, it even had weird powers and Eren had to figure out what the **** was going on to beat it


Anyone know why Reiner isn’t transforming to help the warhammer titan?


We will see in next episode.


Ironically, despite all of the people who disliked the CG in this episode, this episode still has a 9.9 rating on IMDb. I guess the strength of the storytelling was enough for people to love the episode. Personally the CG looked fairly good. It’s consistent with the quality of the animation shown in the first episode so it met my own expectations. I think if MAPPA keeps the quality consistent I can be confident that the adaptation is in good hands. It does look odd when contrasted with regular 2D animation but it looks alright given the time restraints.

皮肉なことに、このエピソードのCGが嫌いな人たちにも関わらず、IMDbでは9.9つけられてるね。ストーリーテリングの強さがみんながこのエピソードを好きにさせるのに十分なんだろうな。 個人的にはCGはよかったと思うけどね。第1話のアニメーションのクオリティと一貫してるから、オレには期待してた通りだよ。もしMAPPAがこのクオリティを維持するなら、このアニメ化は良いって自信を持てると思う。確かに普通の2Dとのコントラストは変に見えたけど、時間がなかったわりに大丈夫に見えるよ。

I guess most of the normies don’t care about cgi


One thing I love about this show is how well it relates to real life history. There are so many analogous historical events that have many similarities to the events in this show

オレが「Attack On Titan(進撃の巨人)」で好きなことの一つは、これがいかにうまくリアルな人生のヒストリーと繋がってるってこと。AOTには実際に起きた歴史的出来事に似たことがすごく多くあるからね。

This is gonna be code geass levels of ending isn’t it?


I feel somewhat dissatisfied about character and titan animation


I don’t feel the same way but understandable.


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