
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第10話 海外の反応・感想

I don’t think there is a plot anymore


Where did they get those hot air balloons from? So Vincent’s bretayal was a trick? How were they able to infiltrate so easily? So I guess Isabella was good all along? So that system hack just so happened to neutralize all the bombs in the moms’ bodies? So are we supposed to care about this villain after we’ve only seen him in a couple of scenes? All of this happened in 1 episode. Wow. I’m just shocked how rushed and convenient everything is, and I say that as an anime only. Well, I guess we’ll see how they wrap things up next week on the final episode of The Convenient Neverland.

あの熱気球はどこから持ってきたんだろう?ヴィンセントの裏切りはトリックだったの?どうやって彼らはあんな簡単に潜入できたんだ?つまり、イザベラは最初から善良だったってことか?ママたちの体内に埋め込まれた爆弾は、あのシステムハックでたまたま全て無効化できたのか?この悪者はたった数シーンしか登場していないのに、こちらがわざわざ気にかけろというのか? これらのこと全てが1つのエピソード内で起こっているんだ。すごい…。一人のアニメファンとして言いたいのだが、何もかもがあまりにも急で、都合が良すぎる展開であることにひたすらショックを受けている。さて、来週の「都合のいいネバーランド」の最終回では、どのような結末が用意されているんだろうね。

Isabella being “”good”” is pretty expected. The way she ends season 1 is obvious she cares about the children. What’s absolutely unreal is that she somehow become grandmother. Like, what the ****? Wasn’t the deal to not kill her if she could get the kids back?

イザベラが「良い人」であることは、十分予想されていた展開だね。シーズン1の終わり方を見れば、彼女が子供たちを大切に思っていることは明らかだった。 絶対にありえないと思ったのは、彼女がどういうわけかグランマになったことだ。何なんだこれ?って感じだよ。子供たちを連れ戻せたら彼女のことを殺さないでやる、という取り引きだったんじゃなかったの?

Good thing they only shot down the balloons with the bombs on them… All the demons just get taken out by getting bonked on the head by children. Holy ****! Then a bunch a demons start a riot because they suddenly all give a **** about their food. WTF Why did they even make a second season if they weren’t gonna fix any of the problems the manga had? At least the manga made some sense in comparison to this incoherent ****.

連中が、爆弾の付いた気球だけを撃墜してくれて良かったねぇ…。 鬼たちはみんな、子供たちに頭を殴られるだけで倒されてしまうんだって。すっごーい! その後、鬼たちの集団が暴動を起こす。なぜなら彼らは食べ物を突然大切にするようになったから。はぁ?何じゃそりゃ~ 原作漫画が抱えていた問題を何一つ修正しないつもりだったのなら、なぜそもそも第2シーズンを作ったのだろうか?この支離滅裂なクソアニメに比べたら、漫画のほうは少なくともある程度は意味が成立していたぞ。

At least the reunion with Phil was more heartwarming than the reunion with Norman.


How ****ing huge the village was? Why there are SO MANY civilians suddenly uprising against the farm? Even if the whole village was there i doubt they had so many people in it anyways.


“”How convenient”” is the season’s motto.


Just one more episode and this disappointment can finally end


well… atleast Mujika is cute


……….at least the OST is good.


The best thing about this sequel is the ED, both the song and especially those visuals/Arts in the ED is amazing, reminds me of first Tokyo Ghoul ED which was similar too. I’m definitely saving every of them


Would’ve been hilarious if she accidentally splattered Ratri’s brains all over the place. Would’ve liked to have seen Emma’s optimism win out that one.


Norman seems to have forgotten all about the hideout city where supposedly other children escapees reside, as he had mentioned to Ray and Emma when they were first reunited. Shoddy writing.


I normally drop aggressively but I’m holding on to this one because it feels like I’m seeing something historic. They just don’t make adaptations this bad anymore.


Man its like this show is just being made an hour before it airs or something. Seriously they just happen to have hot air balloons and set them with explosives to distract everyone. And the ones that actually had people on them did not get hit at all ok sure. When did they say William Minerva was killed? Another thing I guess they skipped over. And when did they hack the servers to shut down the chips on the mothers? Seriously slow down its like speed running the anime at this point. And the one city that was almost decimated by Norman decides to start an invasion of the farm just because they are sick of the system now that the “”evil blood”” is not that evil since its helping them. My god this feels like what a parody show would od rather then a real show what the hell happened here?

おいおい、この話は放送1時間前に作ったような出来だな。彼らがたまたま熱気球を持っていて、みんなの気を引くために爆発物をセットしたってマジかよ。そして、実際に人が乗っていた気球は、全く攻撃を受けず無事だったって。なるほどねぇ。 ウィリアム・ミネルバが殺されたなんて、いつ言ってた?他の部分も省略されているよな。あと、ママたちのチップを停止させるために、サーバーをいつハックしたんだ?マジでスピード落とせよ、ここまでくるとアニメの早送りみたいじゃん。 そして、ノーマンに壊滅させられそうになった街が、「邪血」は自分たちの助けになるからそれほど邪悪なものではないということになって、支配システムにうんざりして農園への侵攻を始めたんだと。これではまるで正規の作品じゃなくてパロディのようだな……いったい何が起こったんだ?

Tokyo Ghoul: I’m the most rushed and botched adaption alive! The Promised Neverland: I’m going to skip the highest rated arc, kill any tension, character building, and make my show a tommy gun of deus ex machina. My writers will also refuse to be credited. Tokyo Ghoul: You are clearly the most rushed and botched adaption. Berserk: First time?

約束のネバーランド:私は一番人気のあった編を消す、緊張感もなくす、キャラも殺す。このアニメはdeus ex machina のトミーガンにする。作者も認めないだろう。

As anime only, I kinda liked it. Isabella turning was definitely foreshadowed. I don’t know what was missed, will read manga later. It was cliche but wholesome, will wait how they wrap it up.


Remember how Sonju the reason that Sonju helped the kids at the start of the season was because he wanted to be able to hunt wild humans in future? The writers sure as **** don’t.


I literally screamed “”WHAAAAT?”” when I saw the baloons….. man what a letdown, s1 was so well crafted… T_T


Why did they have to call reinforcement when they knew there was going to be an attack


This episode was incredible for all of the wrong reasons. I legit laughed out loud multiple times, this was amazing. This must have been one of, if not the worst-paced episode I have ever seen, the attempted Talk no Jutsu at the end was just icing on the cake.


I haven’t read ANY of the manga. But I am beyond disappointed with this season. Everything feels rushed and poorly explained. After such an incredible build up from a jaw dropping edge of your seat season 1, execution was an absolute dud with the rest of this story. Very disappointed.


Damn, this speedrun be wild lmao. They really finishing the show this season, I didn’t even know that was possible. I liked that moment with Phil though with them playing tag to escape, felt symbolic at least of the first arc. Mommy Isabella holding an MP5 is pretty neat lmao. Let’s see how they’re gonna end this mess.

このタイムアタックはワイルドだ。本当にアニメを終わらせようとしている。むしろちゃんと終わるとすら思ってなかった。フィルたちが逃げるために鬼ごっこをする瞬間は好きだった。1期の象徴みたいで。マミーイザベラがMP5を持ってたのも素敵だった。笑 この散らかったのをどう回収するか見届けよう。

Another great episode, I knew Isabella wasn’t bad after season 1’s ending. Looks like Peter and the bad demons lose. Can’t wait for the final episode, it’s going to be an emotional finale Also the OST is awesome 👌🏾👏


ll never forgive the Japanese for not animating Yuugo.


Long hair Reiner sure is an evil bastard


Can someone please just help me understand how all the “guards” have spears but yet the moms have sub-machine guns…


You killed my family by sending us all to be shipped as food for demons. LETS LIVE TOGETHER

あなたは私の家族を出荷して鬼の餌にしようとした。と も に い き よ う。

was anyone hoping that Isabella was going to give Mr Ratiri a unsuspected headshot just so the plot can be more exciting?


The only emotion I can feel while watching this episode is utter depression.


Did the forget to explain Mujika’s blood? It’s the third or forth time that they talk about “”the blood”” and don’t explain it. I think last episode she even says directly that she’ll explain it. Will they really go with “”her blood is magical just because and nobody thought of giving to literally everybody because….???””


I think this was mentioned before but I can’t remember when. I think sonju or norman said something about it? Her blood prevents degeneration and allows demon to be more humanoid/intelligent without eating human. The upper demons wanted to control the lower demons so they didn’t want them to be more intellectual. The blood was also a thread to the farms and thus money. So they killed all the demons with the special blood, except they missed the old man and mujika


This episode felt like a long game of Uno reverse lmao


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