
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第11話 海外の反応・感想

Definitely upset with the ending.like where are nobles ?did they deafet them?what about the new promise they were gonna make ?the truth minevera found ?like where are these unanswered questions

絶対にこのエンディングは納得できない。貴族たちはどこ行った? 彼らは負けたの?新しい約束は?ミネルバさんの真実は明かされたの?これらの答えはどうなった

That was the worst anime I’ve ever seen. That was worse than berserk 2016.


Apparently it’s the mindset that anime adaptions are only to sell manga, so that’s why they just did fuck all with this season. Since the manga’s over they didn’t want to do more, so instead they did the PowerPoint to make us go “ooo I should read the manga ”


Is this really the end for the anime? I’m not really sure…


The ending was so ruched I can’t believe that they made something this bad out of something that looked so promising…


I was feeling quite ecstatic from finishing season 2 of ReZero. Now watching the season finale of PNL has crashed that high, and now I am back to being emotionally neutral. Even as an non-manga reader, I can see everything feels so cheap and rushed. The final powerpoint presentation makes zero sense whatsoever. It boggles my mind why the producers even stopped the season in just 11 episodes, when I can easily see this have 50 episodes worth of content. Especially when the series is highly popular with a huge following. Is it worth picking up the manga at this point ? Is the ending basically the same or is it entirely different altogether ? If the ending is the same, It just feels empty to pick the series up again.


In my opinion I do feel like this anime could have had a little bit better if they didn’t rush the story line so quick I mean the ending was sweet in all but it didn’t really have to many suspenseful moments that’s what makes a good anime


I remember being so happy season 2 was here being excited to finally see Goldy Pond arc animated. But now I’m just happy this garbage is finally over…


Does emma marry the evil blood girl?!!? What the heck was the powerpoint trying to show at the end →  It looks like the evil blooded girl was being crowned queen or whatever.

エマ、邪血の少女と結婚したわけ!?!? 最後のパワーポイントでなんちゅうモンを見せてくれてんだ。 →  見た感じだと邪血の少女はただ女王か何かになってるだけのようだけど。

So that made no sense. Can someone explain what should have happened? Emma stays in the demon world…for some reason? What are all those cool cutscenes at the end? Why/how do the rest of the kids get to the demon world


I now understand the pain Tokyo Ghoul fans feel…


The manga ending is flawed, but it makes sense and at least maintains the plot. It felt very safe to me in terms of the ending not being all that interesting and a bit cheesy, but I wouldn’t call it bad


i like how they had so much self awarness that this season was a shitshow that they literaly gave up on any chance the series has to have a third season and adapted everything left on a 30 second slideshow


Honestly, wtf was that powerpoint at the end? i was just sat there thinking “”oh, look at that cool demon dude with the dragon literally hovering above water, he looks pretty cool. hope we get to see more of this…. wait what?”” honestly im gonna have to rewatch the first season so i can get the bad taste of s2 out of my mouth.


I really wonder how the production team felt making that ending slideshow time skip. It’s like half-assing an assignment and realizing you need to fit in everything else in the conclusion paragraph.


let’s fit 140+ chapters into 11 episodes, there’s no way that could possibly go wrong


I never want to see an anime series get butchered like The Promised Neverland did ever again. This was too painful to go through…


fun fact, the mangaka was heavily involved in this season’s writing


Talented story writers could have pulled out 3 seasons worth of content from that slide show. I can’t even think about a proper analogy to describe this kind of rush, but the word rush alone isn’t enough that’s for sure.

才能あるライターなら、今回のスライドショーみたいなエピソードから3シーズン分の内容を引き出すことが出来たはずだよ。 この手の急な展開を表現するのに適切な例えが思いつかないけど、「急展開」という言葉だけでは十分に言い表し切れないのは確かだな。

Promised Powerpoint


The man committed suicide out of sheer spite for a child he just met


He didn’t want to participate in the slideshow


Did they seriously end the series with a ****ING CLIPSHOW MONTAGE depicting how Emma literally changed the entire demon society in a few short years? I thought the Shokugeki no Soma and Bokuben endings were atrocious, but this is charting whole new worlds of awful storytelling.


so did they forget that norman and the lambda gang needed the magic medicine or… they knew they weren’t getting season 3 so they just smashed season 3 into a minute long slideshow. modern problems require modern solutions i’m just laughing that they came out of the gate in new york city of all places. gotta respect don tho, his fit was kinda nice

製作者たちはノーマンとラムダ御一行が魔法の薬を必要としていたことを忘れたのか、それとも…。 シーズン3が出ないことを知っていたから、シーズン3の内容を1分間のスライドショーにしてしまったのかな。現代の問題には現代的な解決策が必要だ、ってね。 子供たちがゲートを出てやって来た場所が、よりによってニューヨークだったのは笑っちゃったわ。ドンについては尊敬せざるを得ないな、彼はうまい具合に人間界の生活にハマってて何か良かったわ。

Honestly, I could see her love and kindness being guenuine towards the children since she knew that these children will never reach adulthood, so she gave them the best life possible with the limited time that they had until being shipped.


I figured Emma and company also needed someone to take care of the kids when crossing over so they seemed like a good choice.


Removed 2 amazing characters. The other characters in Goldy pond arc were great too. Didn’t showed the awesomeness of the man with a mask and 2 swords. Didn’t showed the queen fight. Skipped every good thing. I’ve never been this disappointed.


When the slideshow showed that shot of Emma in front of that dragon thing I couldn’t stop laughing. Like the viewer is supposed to understand wtf that shot is meant to tell us what Emma was doing there. Just cut content shoehorned in that was laughably jarring.

あのスライドショーで、エマがドラゴンの前にいるシーンが映し出されたとき、笑いが止まらなかったよ。 まるで、このシーンを見れば、エマがそこで何をしていて、この場面で何を伝えようとしているかは視聴者なら当然ご理解いただけるでしょう、とでも言っているかのようだね。 ただのカットコンテンツを押し込んだだけなのに、笑ってしまうほど違和感があったわ。

“”Hey guys, we know you wanted to see those scenes from manga in animated form, so we made a montage at the end of the final episode just to show you how much more there is to the story you won’t see in this adaptation!”” Twisting the knife in the wound, ey?

「ハーイみんな~!原作漫画のこれらのシーンをアニメーションで見たかったでしょ~、だからアニメでは見られないもっとたくさんの物語があるってことを最終話のエンディングでモンタージュ形式にしてお届けしたよ!」 オイ、傷口をナイフでえぐるようじゃねーか?

My disappointment is immeasurable and this series is ruined. EDIT: At least the OP and ED are good and the kids look great in regular clothing.

私の失望感は計り知れず、このアニメシリーズは台無しだ。 修正:少なくとも、オープニングとエンディング曲の部分は良いし、子供たちは普通の服がとてもよく似合う。

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