
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第2話 海外の反応・感想

I know it’s just episode 2, but this is promised neverland, I want my emotions to be all over the place, just feels like a slow start so far.


Hooded-Archer Emma is so damn cool


I really hate the flower thing


Every time I hear Ray talk all I can think about is that we’re never gonna hear Killua again or have new hunter x hunter episodes


I’m really curious about what the human world is like, it seems like there’s extremely minimal interaction between both worlds so it could be really ****ed up and dystopian, or it could be great, honestly do we even know if human civilization is even alive? with so little contact is it possible something happened on the human side that resulted in the total collapse of humanity? would be pretty tragic if they finally get to the “”human world”” and it’s a barren wasteland. It’s also pretty bizarre but the kids have probably never seen an old person or even an adult man, I was just thinking about if they finally are free/safe and they can live their lives in peace what that would be like, they have no frame of reference at least yet of what being an adult is like aside from mother and even less of an impression of romance and love and relationships. Also I’ve been kinda skeptical about the Minerva thing like could you reasonably expect kids under the age of 12 to pick up on these clues, but it did occur to me that they specifically like intelligent humans, it seems the mothers are chosen from the girls who are smart enough to figure it out and try to escape, and if they have children presumably there are fathers and maybe they want intelligent fathers too, could they have taken Norman to be a father? Towards the end he seemed compliant yet still intelligent, sounds like the perfect traits they’d want to breed selectively. The question of fathers is tricky though because they could uh harvest sperm pretty damn early for boys, not to mention a single male could fertilize plenty of females so they wouldn’t need tons of boys, but they may want to ensure genetic diversity, but even then they could have a variety of fathers and just harvest a bunch of sperm and freeze it and eat them after, unlike the mothers who care for the children they clearly don’t have any obvious use for fathers aside from genetic material. I do wonder though if selective breeding for higher intelligence has been happening and has resulted in more clever than normal children and I wonder if Minerva even knows this and his clues are in hopes that eventually with increasingly smart generations of kids, someone would figure everything out and escape.


Wanted to point out Sonju’s reaction to the kids calling them demons, it was something like “Demon.. I haven’t been called that in a while”. (I need to go back and watch it again to double check) this potentially means 2 things: They might not actually be demons, maybe aliens or something? Or they just simply don’t refer to themselves as demons which is entirely possible. Either way it’s interesting he didn’t correct the kids when they called him a demon and then continued to refer to other demons as such. It also likely means he has met at least one human in the past. I’m hoping we’ll get a flashback or something to expand on this.

子どもたちに「鬼」と呼ばれた時のソンジュの反応について指摘したい。たしか「鬼…そんなふうに呼ばれるのは久しぶりだな」、みたいな感じだったと思う(確認のため振り返ってもう一度見直す必要があるが)。これは潜在的に2つのことを意味している。 彼らは実際には鬼ではなく、宇宙人か何かなのかもしれない。それとも単に自分たちのことを鬼と呼ばないだけか…その可能性は十分にある。いずれにせよ、子どもたちが彼を鬼と呼んだときにそれを訂正せず、その後、他の鬼たちのことを鬼と呼び続けたのは興味深いことである。 このことはまた、彼が過去に少なくとも1人の人間に会ったことを意味する可能性がある。フラッシュバックか何かの形で、これについての話が展開されることを期待している。

I think it’s a little ironic that emma cares so much about killing a bird but demon people feasting on them, nah


”Ray always tries to run off and die if you dont keep an eye on him” laughed so hard at that


Wasn’t expecting such a positive reaction to being told they’re sacrificial lambs. I guess Emma and Ray are glass half full kind of people. The secret to Ray’s cooking is MSG. Sonju and Emma riding together gives off Somali and the Forest Spirit vibes. Did this episode feel like it ended abruptly to anybody else? I thought the ending was the halfway point and then it was suddenly over.


Emma trains to become an Archer Servant On a serious note tho, I fear for Emma’s mental state


I think her mental state might have a hiccup, but in the end I’m pretty sure it’ll be for the best; Changing from an idealist, to someone with a more realistic view of the world, is a good thing.


Her plan doesn’t seem realistic. If they save all the kids from all the farms, what is to keep the demons from breaking their agreement and crossing over to find humans to eat again.


If there is one thing Emma isn’t, its realistic. Lol


i mean, Emma is like 12 so she probably isn’t thinking about the war she might start


Emma is still a child at the end of the day; a genius but still a child. She doesn’t understand the gravity of the situation


This episode was so damn good! Like I enjoyed the whole episode. May be up there for my favorite of the series actually. Like I just like the two demons so much. And it’s cool to see some of them have a ‘human’ side and are actually nice. In fact, I thought for a second there that they were going to reveal those two demons as originally being humans somehow. But I’m glad the story didn’t go that way. Plus an awesome reveal of two worlds. At first I assumed they just meant like the other side of the planet is a humans only area, but maybe the really do mean an entire different world for humans. Crazy to think the humans who are in the farms are from the humans who were basically left behind as a sacrifice/gift. Wonder if we will ever get the story on how the demons and new animal/creatures were born.


Emma is training to kill but when the time will come to kill a demon or something she will say “” I don’t want to kill we can live together “” or something like that I can already see that coming


Mujika and Sonju are very intriguing characters. Hopefully we will still have more episodes with them. The world is starting to expand beautifully and I’m really loving the plants and other animals. Also great backstory, showed us that there’s actually still humans and there’s hope for those kids, even though it’s going to be a tough journey. Can’t wait for next week, because I’m really hyped to explore the world. Gave me some made in abyss vibes honestly.


Oh, so Mujika and Sonju don’t eat people because of their religion Damn, Gilda can really be terrifying. So they are not on earth and whatever in that world that led to the creation of the farms happened one thousand years ago. Well, now I wonder how old are the clues they are currently following?

つまりムジカとソンジュは信仰のもと人間を食べないってことか。てかギルダってあんな怖くなれるんだな。そんで、みんな地球以外のとこに住んでて、1000年前にその世界で農場が作られる元となった約束が交わされたわけか。 じゃあ一体何年前の情報を彼らは追いかけてたんだ?

Good to see that humanity wasnt wiped out by the demons and they fought back. Pretty much in every other story humanity goes out like a chump.


So first half of the episode made me happy. The vegan demons are really likeable, hope they will stick around for a while Second half just made me want to lay innmy bed and cry a river


They are not vegan they just can’t eat humans because of their religion


Emma considers everyone from the farm brothers and sisters, she’s referring to Connie who was revealed to be killed by the flower in episode 1 of season 1


I still miss Phil!


The coordinates Ray etched into the tree for the demons. Did we learn last week the intention behind that?


It’s to **** with the demons. He is hoping that the demons will think that the coordinates are instructions he gave to the rest of the gang but it’s just a red herring to waste the demons time


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