
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第4話 海外の反応・感想

How did those demon serving humans find that shelter


ray carved „go 06-32, pursuer“ into a tree to warn the others but the demons saw that. so they definitely knew where the kids would go

レイが他の子に向けて木に刻んだ”go 06-32, pursuer”は鬼たちも見てるわけだから、だいたい子供たちがどこへ向かうのか予測がつくだろう

Isabella lookin like homeless Eren


And she’s being offered freedom.


I’m a bit confused, they did just completely glaze over those creepy help messages and names?


I think the book that they only flashed for a moment explains it. Sounded like a previous escapee was alone and isolation kicked in until they couldn’t stand it.


Why am I not surprised Ray, who is totally not suicidal, stepped up to eat the probably poisonous but hopefully not land fish creature?


Impressive how fast they were able to become proficient with a bow. I guess they weren’t from the premium farms for nothing


I’m not a manga reader but this is probably my least favorite episode of the series so far. I just didn’t really get any suspense that season 1 was so good at and i personally just felt like half of the episode was kind of… Nothing. That said I’m interested to see where the story goes and I’m curious about what Isabelles other reward would be if she succeeds


I’m with you the first season felt so serious and dark while that whole attack felt more comically how that soldier got hit with blunt arrows and pushed of a cliff.


this, this is what i felt like watching the whole episode it was just nothing its like a 20 minute of us seeing what theyre doing and no build up at all i support the author for going anime original but if this is how hes going to do it idk anymore…


Hey guys. The anime going original route does not mean you can post manga spoilers without tagging.


I didn’t read the manga (it seems many people here did) but this episode made absolutely no sense. Risking three people for a taste test (even though they had logs about what was and wasn’t edible and this is not how you test if something is edible). Writing help on the walls and then just ignoring it. Talking about two exits and then that told them…. something? No indication how the hideout was found at all. I hope we get some answers in future episodes.


I’d be willing to bet that whatever the demon whispered to Mom was about Norman. There are way more adult humans than we were lead to believe, I can’t see why Norman can’t be a soldier or a scientist or some ****


I thought it was about Ray, her biological son. Something like, if you bring back the kids, you can have your son back


I guess the mother’s redemption at the end of S1 can get ****ed..? Seems a little disappointing that they’d throw that away


I mean, it sounds like she cut an incredible deal. Freedom. No tracking. No bomb(?) planted in heart. No more farms to work in. And the last part that was whispered could be anything. She can keep one of the children (Ray), or someone she loved is still alive?


Manga readers keep it in the Source Material Corner geez.


I know right, we get it the anime is going off script, that doesnt mean its open season for people to be posting manga spoilers.


The manga readers have escaped the farm.


Man this episode felt really off to me and it doesn’t give me hope for the show’s future.


I’m allowed to dislike this episode since it changed so much from the manga


So many plotholes.


I’m an anime-only and I’m gonna be honest, it felt like I was watching a different show this episode. After reading the comments, it makes sense that they strayed from the manga. The suspense just wasn’t the same and the kids’ plot armor seemed greater than ever. If the manga does indeed go downhill then I suppose it’s good that they’re making changes, but wow the difference is very noticeable. I thought the first three episodes were great so I’m still excited to see what’s next, but this episode was quite jarring IMO.


This is the most dumbest episode I have ever seen so far in this anime Those soldiers literally went with gas masks hut didn’t gas the area, had guns but couldn’t use, could have at least used rubber bullets or something The other guy went down by a blunt arrow and push like are these guys even really competent to capture all these kids The monster coming out of nowwhere to kill only the soldiers and letting the children easily escape is plot armor soo hard like tf

今回は、今まで「約束のネバーランド」を見た中で一番ひどいエピソードだわ。 兵士たちは文字通りガスマスクを付けてやってきたのにガスを撒き散らすこともなく、銃を持っているのに使えず…せめてゴム弾か何かくらい撃てたはずなのにね。 もう一人の兵士は鈍器の矢と一押しだけで倒れるし、こいつら本当に子供たち全員を捕まえる能力あるの?って感じだった。 モンスターがどこからともなく現れて、兵士だけを殺して子供たちを簡単に逃がしてしまうなんて、トランスフォーマー並みのご都合主義すぎるわ。

Well, so much for them being able to stay in the bunker for another episode or 2. I knew it was simply too good to be true.


That kid that kept falling asleep in the security room is an idiot


So, that whisper in Isabella ears is clearly that they won’t kill Ray right? Since that is her actual kid? I don’t know if that is blatantly obvious or a fake out

それで、鬼がイザベラに耳打ちした話って明らかにレイは殺さないってことだよね?レイがイザベラの実の子供だからってことで。 それが極めて明白なことなのか、それともフェイントなのかはわからないけど。

So we know from what the soldiers said that there are multiple shelters like the one we were just at. All made by Minerva potentially? My guess is that like the demons recruit some girls to be Mothers on the Farms they also recruit some boys to this security force.

つまり兵士たちの話によれば、このようなシェルターが他にも複数あることがわかったわけだ。これらは全てミネルバによって作られた可能性があるのでは? 僕の推測では、鬼が女の子を集めて農園のママにするように、男の子を集めてこの治安部隊を作っているのだと思う。

I don’t quite understand the Isabella scenes. She starts off by showing that she cares about the kids that escaped, like when Grandma asks if she wants to see them and she gets exited. Isabella also seems to be on the kids’ side and believes they are going to escape the raid on the bunker. Taking this and her last scenes of season 1 in consideration, we can assume that she cares about them, so does it make sense that she was so ready to capture them to the demons again, moments after demonstrating that she cares about them? She says she is able to get the children back, even though the demon hadn’t even told her about all the perks of doing so, like the freedom and so on. How does she feel about those children after all? Could she be lying to the demons? I have not read the manga btw, but how do you guys feel about these scenes?


The demon whispered one perk we didn’t get to hear, which changed her whole attitude about getting the kids back. That’s probably an important point to note here


I am still confused about that scary room they found. What did it mean?


The moment the shelter was raided this turned into absolute trash


This confirms it right? William Minerva for sure a demon. How else would they know where to find the children so quickly. Is crazy to see grown size army humans fighting for them demons though. And OMG is that Isabella?! AND I GUARANTEE THE DEMON WHISPERED SOMETHING ABOUT NORMAN! No way he is actually dead.

これでわかったろ?ウィリアム・ミネルバが鬼なのは確かなんだよ。そうじゃなかったら子供たちの居場所がどうしてこんなすぐにバレるんだよ? 大人になった人間が兵隊として鬼のために戦っている状況はそれにしても狂ってるな。 そんでもってあらまぁ、こちらはイザベラ?!鬼はノーマンについて何か耳打ちしたに違いない!ノーマンが本当に死んでるわけないもん。

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