
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第5話 海外の反応・感想

Lmao, RIP those two random dying malnourished demon children I suppose


Maybe the humans were the real demons all along. Stares off into the distance


Isabella gonna probably show up in one episode and die on the next with this pace, all that talk about her helping catch them will just be a single confrontation out of nowhere instead of an actual hunt being shown.


how did they go from being chased by a big cg monster to a year later chillin in the church????


Considering the only reason they could travel to the bunker was because they had help getting there and we are told that it’s an area with no demons. Also it sure is narrativily convenient that demon’s clothing of choice are full masks and robes.


Oh hi Norman


This season of Promised Neverland seems to be directed by Tommy Wiseau.


So thats what tokyo ghoul fans felt when the anime dropped..


Except this is even worse because TPN S1 was the best thriller I’ve seen since Steins; Gate. And now this is heading to Root A direction.


“”oh wow, these two random demons actually have a compelling motivation as we get a peek at the inequality their own society suffers, I wonder if they’ll be somewhat recurring characters…”” *both get killed at the end* “”…….I guess not then””

わお、あの2人の鬼たちは実際説得力のある動機をちゃんと持ってる。もう私たちは鬼たちの不平等な社会を垣間見てしまったから。あの鬼たちが何とかしてレギュラーのキャラになれないかな。”でも最後2人とも殺されるよ” ”……そうならないと思う”

Honestly knowing they have a family and seeing them just get gutted was really surprising…


As an anime only, this felt very confusing and random, even the Norman reveal felt so underwhelming just because of how weird the pacing was


bro i think i skipped like 2 seasons accidentally


Lmao, same idk what is going on anymore.

それなwww 何が起こってるのか全くわからないww

This is every ‘prison break’ story ever, once the characters escape there’s not a whole lot of the original premise to work with. It’s weird to see this happen time and again.


Was I supposed to feel anything when Norman came back?


2 minutes in and I had to pause and go back to the previous to make sure I didn’t skip an episode. That’s how rushed this all feels.


Strange time jump here. I did enjoy that old demon in the temple though. Not shocked Norman is alive. If they were smart the flashback episode would be about him, but it won’t be I bet


How is this written by the same person as the Grace Field Arc…


It feels like the GoT final season. I’m still gonna watch tho


I ****ing KNEW that Norman wasn’t dead. I felt it in my LOINS! Also I’m surprised people are hating on it so bad, was it the time skip or the wasted time on the demons family thing? I’m personally still enjoying it at least. I guess I’m less upset because I never read the manga.


Omg so bad.. . I want to stop watching but very curious about the “”magnificent”” ending they will have


i am really confused so did a year pass? they escaped in 2046 january and in episode 4 or 3 the date was 2047 january so that is the year that passed so what is the timeskip between episode 4 and 5


i didnt even realize that there was a 2 year time skip (only after reading some of the comments), i thought only like 3 days past and im sitting here wondering why they all look and act so different, in conclusion: terrible pacing


This anime has gone downhill lmao


WHATT!!! I mean it always felt obvious Norman was alive, but I did not expect to see him this quick! Like this is crazy! Also can’t believe it’s been 1 year already! Didn’t expect for a time jump. Holy hell. I’m just so pumped for next week!

なんと!!!ノーマンは絶対に生きているはずだと思っていたけど、こんなに早く彼の姿を見られるとは思っていなかった! こんな形で登場するなんてびっくりだよ!それにもう1年も経っているなんて信じられない!タイムジャンプするとは思わなかったな。 やっべー。来週がすごく楽しみ!

Has someone noteced how creators of this show ruined whole logic of the world with one scene? By this I mean the scene with 2 children getting sick from lack of human meat? I have no problem with demons actually needing human meat to survive. At least I would have not said anything if Musika hadn’t said that demons DO NOT need human meat to survive. Creators should make up their mind before making the show, not during it.


Monsters having to eat humans flesh to keep from degenerating is raising an interesting moral dilemma. Also how did the nomads survive if that’s the case? On the other hand, them time skipping like that, and even tho I haven’t read far into the manga I did read up til an arc after the escape, which was skipped, and boy, does the show feel worse without it so far.

鬼は退化しないために人間の肉を食べなければならない、ということは興味深い道徳的ジレンマを引き起こしているわね。また、もしそうだとしたら遊牧民はどうやって生きてきたのかしら? それはさておき、アニメのほうは時間が飛びすぎ。私はマンガをここまで読み進めていなくて脱出後のエピソードまでしか読んでないんだけど、アニメではその部分は省略されていたわね。今のところ、そのエピソードが抜けているのはイマイチだなと思う。

Wait did I miss something?? What happened after the monster attacked the farm’s FBI guys?? Why norman return is ****, I mean he just like sup guys I was in a holiday for a couple of episodes what’s going on

待って、オレ何か見落としたっけ? モンスターが農園のFBI野郎どもに襲いかかったあと何が起こったんだ?? なんでノーマンが戻ってきたかもクソだな。あいつ、「やぁ、みんな~!僕は数話ほど休暇もらってたんだよ。で、最近どう?」みたいな感じで出てきやがって。

Am I the only one that actually thoroughly enjoyed this episode? The built up tension was really good and it was pretty clear there was a bit of a time skip. No, it’s not a 10/10 but I am genuinely interested in what’s coming.


Can someone explain how the journal from the shelter in the last episode says “”22 January 2047″” but now in this episode, the journal that that kid was writing in said “”24 January 2047″”???????????? ig it’s been 2 days since shelter days

前回のエピソードでは、あの子がシェルターで書いていた日誌に「2047年1月22日」とあって、今回のエピソードでは「2047年1月24日」と書いているの、ちょっと誰か説明してくんない???????????? それってつまりシェルター出てから2日しか経ってないってことじゃん。

I didn’t think it would happen so soon but it was to be expected that we would see Norman again. I hope there’s a satisfying explanation to how he’s running around free because it felt too convenient


I always knew Norman was still alive. I wonder who his companions are though, demons? People that he escaped with while waiting to get eaten? Honestly, after all the hate that this series is now getting because of last episode, and because I’m hearing that the anime will end after this season despite there being so many loose ends to tie up, I’m kind of not feeling this show anymore


As a manga reader, the anime adaptation is…..disappointing. Some questionable scenarios raised: – How did the children get to the abandoned temple in the beginning and get the masks and robes? – So the demons now all speak English?

マンガを読んでいる者としては、この作品のアニメ化は…..がっかりだ。謎な展開がいくつか出てきたな。 – 子供たちはどうやって冒頭の廃寺院にまでたどり着き、鬼に偽装するためのマスクやマントを手に入れたのか? – で、鬼は全員会話ができるのか?

I’m gonna give this another episode or two. If it doesn’t get any better, I’m willing to drop this and stick with season 1 as my only experience with this series.


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