
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第6話 海外の反応・感想

Well, I don’t know a lot about what was skipped, it was not nice of them but… this was a great episode. It does kind of go back to the contrast between big brain Norman vs hopeful yet very naive Emma. They sure tried to put more moral weight on Emma’s side, by having Norman’s underlings be a bit unhinged, but what could you possibly expect out of former torture victims. Mercy for those demons that might not eat humans is the least of their concern. Even more, Emma knows little about how Mujika and Sanji stay sane, we already know Sanji would eat humans if they were free range, and from the looks of it Mujika is no good either, from what Norman is about to tell next episode. So yeah… As nice as what Emma wish would be, it’s way beyond impractical and risky to approach. And just as she gave up taking the little children with them, she might give in to reason once again.


Man, those changes to the OP were awesome. Finally, that empty space next to Ray and Emma is filled. And there are more allies!


Idk what you’re talking about, the mini cliff hanger left me wanting to watch the next episode. I also want to see what the demons did to the children in Lambda, which would create a dilemma between Norma and Emma. This episode wasn’t as bad as people rated it imo.


I can see why everyone is so upset now lol. I was liking the series, but this episode suuuucked


Aside from the other grievances people have stated regarding pacing and the exposition dump, why did Norman decide to wait on acting on this plan if he could have done this well before he found Emma and the gang? He said he could enact as soon as the next day, so I don’t get why he didn’t just do this sooner.


Yeah it’s unclear how exactly he knew that Emma and the others were here in this village


Man, the thing is the information they gave us is interesting but how TF was norman able to do all of this in like a year? Like come on you really think I’m going to believe that? Also holy matsuri they’re rushing through this, are they speedrunning the story to end it this season? And everything that’s happening is just way too convenient. I’m going to give this show just one last chance with the next episode because I can’t make myself watch any more of this, it’s way too disappointing considering how good season 1 was..


This might actually be the worst anime adaptation ever. It might as well be considered a new show entirely. The manga was heavily focused on mystery,thriller and some horror but the anime genuinely has NONE of that. Only mystery is how they managed to *** up this poorly. Legit went from “oh *** it’s ONE demon we’re all gonna die” to “ haha genocide xd” in the span of an episode.


Either Kaiu Shirai is amazing at capturing the naïve thoughts of a child or he’s a really, really bad writer. Regardless, I laughed for a good chunk at the mental gymnastics on display. This is my weekly comedy show now.


I like your positivity.


The show should have ended when they got ontop of the farm wall and looked into the distance. My eyes glazed over and I zoned out during the exposition. I think that’s it for me.


I don,t like how they change the story timeline. In the manga, the story was better


Man, those changes to the OP were awesome. Finally, that empty space next to Ray and Emma is filled. And there are more allies!


This is coming from someone who hadn’t read the manga btw I’m kinda nervous. Because after we kinda saw the world the demons are living in in episode 5 and how the nobles are the ones who get all the meat, you kinda start to sympathize with them. And I’m sorta on Emma’s side of things, a world we’re demons and humans can co exist would be great. I’m hoping that this new side of Norman doesn’t make me end up disliking him. Because as a character I friggin love Norman.


No spoilers here, but as someone who read the manga awhile ago and don’t remember all the details I have a question. Did the anime seriously just skip over 60ish chapters??? Or am I just not remembering the order of events?


I teach English in a Japanese elementary school. Right now students are presenting on their heroes. I had two students, a boy and girl, who respectively said their heroes are Norman and Emma.


Aside from the other grievances people have stated regarding pacing and the exposition dump, why did Norman decide to wait on acting on this plan if he could have done this well before he found Emma and the gang? He said he could enact as soon as the next day, so I don’t get why he didn’t just do this sooner.


The first season of this show was so good that I am actually mad how bad this season is right now. Norman standing around the fire and absolutely dumping like a whole season’s worth of information was nothing but riddiculous. And this whole demon genocide plan?! Hello?! Where did I accidentally skip like two whole seasons?! I am definitely going to read the manga but as I heard, the ending of that is very controversial so I really don’t know what to think anymore. Rip to this show, so much wasted potential… uff.

「約束のネバーランド」の第1シーズンがとても良かっただけに、今シーズンのひどい出来には腹が立って仕方ないわ。 ノーマンが火の周りに突っ立ったまま1シーズン相当分の情報を吐き出すなんてひたすら馬鹿げてるでしょ。 それにこの鬼の大虐殺計画は?!もしもーし?!一体どこで2シーズンも飛ばしちゃったの?! 漫画は絶対に読むつもりだけど、その結末が物議を醸していると小耳に挟んで、私はもうこれ以上何を考えていいかわからなくなっちゃった。 本作品のご冥福をお祈りいたします。多くの可能性が無駄になってしまいました…あ~あ。

I see people saying that Emma’s decision was annoying and irrational. But personally I believe that she has all the right to say that they shouldn’t exterminate the demons, and this is coming from a manga reader. Empathy was always a big factor in Emma’s character, throughout their days of surviving, they’ve met Sonju and Musika, which are demons who don’t eat human meat, plus at the market they can clearly observe that demons act and behave like any normal person


Man, Norman just proposed genocide and everyone’s ****ing celebrating lmao.


Episode 5: “How are we going to survive in this harsh world?” Episode 7: “Genocide is the only answer.”


Looks more and more like they’re making Norman the final villain if this is the final season.


Tbh I can’t agree with Emma when she disliked Norman’s plan for eradicating the demons, so I kinda rolled my eyes at that. Now I haven’t read the manga yet so idk if Norman does change his mind, but I hope he doesn’t bcuz that would make not want to read/watch it anymore


Norman proposes genocide. “We can finally move forward thanks to you Norman” They really trying to turn Norman into Eren lol

ノーマンが虐殺を提案。 「ノーマンのおかげで僕たちはようやく前に進むことが出来る」 こいつら、ノーマンを進撃のエレンにしようとしているなw

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