
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第7話 海外の反応・感想

Stopped at episode 4, is it worth continuing ?


Honestly, I don’t think Emma’s naive plan is as far-fetched as the comments make it to be. I can still believe that she would go against demon genocide if there’s an option to co-exist. However, there’s one glaring fatal flaw in her plan. If they somehow manage to assassinate the higher-ups, and get Mujika’s blood, by force or coercion, they will at least have the “”demon virus”” or whatever it’s called as a bargaining chip. The demons will have 2 choices, either take Mujika’s blood and survive without humans, or die – either by starvation, or if they antagonize Norman and Co., by the degeneracy virus. But the thing is that nothing’s gonna stop them from eating the humans after they’ve all taken the blood. And how much ever Emma wants to believe the “”goodwill”” of the demons, the fact is that if they decide to break their promise this time no one can do anything about it. Which leaves Norman’s genocide plan as the only practical choice here.

僕は正直なところ、エマの純朴でウブな計画は皆が言うほど途方も無い考えだとは思わないな。 鬼と共存するという選択肢がある限り、彼女は鬼の虐殺に反対するだろうと確信できるよ。でもね、彼女の計画には明らかに致命的な欠陥が1つあるんだ。 もし彼らが貴族階級の鬼たちをどうにかして暗殺して、無理矢理または強制的にでもムジカの血を手に入れることができたら、それを「鬼ウイルス」と呼ぶか、あるいは何と呼ぶかはともかくとして、彼らは少なくとも交渉上の切り札になる材料を持つことになるだろう。ここで鬼には2つの選択肢があることになる。ムジカの血を飲んで人間を食べずに生きていくか、あるいはノーマンたちに敵対して飢餓や退化ウイルスによって死ぬかのいずれかだ。 しかし問題は、全ての鬼たちが血を飲んだ後でも、彼らが人を食べることを止めるものは何も無いということだ。 そして、いくらエマが鬼の「善意」を信じたいと願ったところで、鬼たちがこの約束を破ろうと決心したら誰もそれに対してなすすべがないというのが事実だ。 というわけで、ノーマンの鬼の虐殺計画がここでの唯一の現実的な選択となるね。

I think Emma relies a lot on the demon’s goodwill to survive. I guess that’s because they have never suffered from demon torture directly. This is in contrast with Norman’s group where it’s implied that they’re getting experimented and all sort of torture before they can’t escape. It’s actually similar to real world situation of idealis vs practical. I actually like it that there’s two different opinions here, though maybe Emma’s side felt a little bit forceful since there are less concrete plan explained compared to Norman’s.

エマの考えは鬼の善意が続く可能性にかなり依存しすぎていると思うよ。それは、エマたちが鬼の拷問で直接苦しんだことがないせいじゃないかな。 これってノーマンの仲間たちとは対照的だよね。彼らは、監禁されている間に実験されたり色んな拷問を受けたりしたと仄めかされている。 これはまさに、現実世界における理想主義と現実主義の対立構造に似ているな。この場面で、2つの異なる意見があるのが良いと思う。エマ側の計画は、ノーマンの計画に比べて具体的な見通しが少ないぶん少し強引だなって感じもしたけど。

Though I’m disappointed about the general drop in quality, I found this episode to be more bearable than the last few ones. It looks like I’ll stick to my plan of catching up with the manga after this Season ends. I am genuinely interested to see how the hell they’ll wrap everything up in the next four episodes.


does anyone know how this season is doing in Japan? are Japanese fans just as disappointed or what?


The Whole episode I was like: “”Emma, they won’t be your friends just because they don’t have to eat meat, and the humans don’t accept you, the only way is genocide”” And now I’m in the Norman team

今回のエピソードを見ている間、俺はずっとこんな感じだったわ→「あのなーエマ、人間の肉を食べる必要がないってだけでそいつがお前の友達であるわけじゃないし、人類はお前の考えを受け入れられねぇぞ。唯一の方法は虐殺だろ」 というわけで、俺はノーマン支持派。

I enjoyed this episode actually! Seeing that Norman is most likely doing this because he wants to take all of the pressure and not harm any of his family does make me happy. Shows he still has at least a part of him thats still the same. And damn, that ending! He also has that disease or whatever it is that may eventually kill him? Will be pissed if they end up killing him after they already faked us out by thinking he died.

今回のエピソードは面白かった!ノーマンの言動は、きっと、自分一人で全ての重荷を引き受ければ仲間を傷つけずに済むという考えからなのだろうと思うと、嬉しい気持ちになるわ。つまり、少なくとも一部は以前のノーマンと同じままだってことよ。 そして、あの結末!彼も死に至る病か何かに侵されているのかしら?私たちはさんざん作者にだまされてノーマンが死んだと思い込まされてきたっていうのに、これでやっぱり彼が死ぬなんて展開にされたら腹が立つわ。

Emma is selfish. She is willing to put the lives of her family at risk, just so that she can feel good about her “”let’s all be friends”” ending. Yes, I agree that the demons may not have a choice about whether to eat humans if the alternative is them degenerating. Similarly, we need to eat and hence kill animals. If the animals were to have an uprising and endeavour to wipe out all humans, I wouldn’t be happy about it, but I’d understand. In a perfect world, we’d all be friends and not have conflicts of interest. But surely when we are not guaranteed a perfect outcome, the priority would be to keep those she supposedly cares about safe? Just because she hasn’t been through what Norman has, doesn’t mean she can overlook their suffering and project her naive outlook. Her family member came back after nearly sacrificing his life for her and instead of asking how he’s been and how he is, all she can say is “”don’t kill those who tortured you””?


This is reminding me of the last of us II. Right, new side characters I just don’t give a **** about, main character is a different person, and just dumb **** I don’t care about compared to the first season. Seeing the test subjects with Norman made me think of this cause I just don’t like them, seems their entire point is to be an obstacle and that’s it

なんかlast of us 2を思い出した。新しいキャラはどうでもいいし、メインキャラは全然違うやつだし。1期と比べるまでもない。ノーマンと被験者の奴らを見てるともうどうでも良くなった。ただあいつらが好きじゃない。すべての問題はあいつらが障害ってこと。それだけ。

I get it Emma, you’re good but also naive.. now get ready to feed your siblings to hungry demons.


What the hell..does that big ass demon that norman killed have any kind of significance? Why would he just have it sitting there in his basement? He looks like a badass demon too so i wonder…


This isn’t even that bad.( Anime only). At least it doesn’t make me check timestamp between the episode. I guess i am interested in knowing about the world since season 1 and getting that in full force one after another (without creating intrigue or buildup but still). Its like basement introduction as truth and we get basement a few episodes later.


I gotta say I am with Norman on this even though Barbara is a psycho bitch that creeps me out. It is a world of kill or be killed. The plan might be cruel but so is the world full of demons


Though I’m disappointed about the general drop in quality, I found this episode to be better than the last few ones. It looks like I’ll stick to my plan of catching up with the manga after this Season ends. I am genuinely interested to see how the hell they’ll wrap everything up in the next four episodes. When I saw that big demon, it reminded me of that episode of Rick and Morty where Beth and Jerry found an alien in their basement.


Not sure if this means anything but I just remembered in Ep 5 when they were hiding in the temple near the market and the old man demon calls it “”Evil-Blooded Temple””. I wonder if that has anything to do with Mujika or its just a coincidence


God, what pains me so much right now is that there is clearly the framework for a great story under this season, it’s just a shame they rushed to the ending as they did. The pacing of this episode was not all too bad comparatively, but I’m definitely planning on reading the manga once this is over.


This episode of TPN isn’t horrible. It’s not good, just bizarre. I’m legit intrigued in the upcoming episodes. However I do dislike Emmas character. I don’t like how altruistic she is for the demons. However, it’s not necessarily bad writing either.


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