
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第8話 海外の反応・感想

Norman did nothing wrong. He is dying, he ain’t got time for any of that bull**** trying to make peace with demons that NEED to eat humans to survive. That is, there’s still a bit of explanation about how that old man’s blood saved Emma2, and why can’t it be used en masse to lean off demons off of human flesh. If it was easy to use their blood as alternative, then that’s bad because they didn’t use it until now. If it’s really hard, then can you blame Norman for not having the patience? Also, the old man was aware the time of reckoning is long overdue.

ノーマンは何も間違ってない。彼はもう長くないんだから人間を食べる鬼のことを考えてる余裕なんてなくて当たり前。おじいちゃん鬼の血がどうやってエマ2を救ったのかと、なぜその血を多くの鬼たちに使えないのかはまだ少し謎のまま。彼らの血を代わりに使えるのなら、ただ最悪なぜなら今までその血を使わなかったから。もしその血を使うのがすごく難しいとして、ノーマンを責めることはできますか? さらにあのおじいちゃん鬼は計算の時期がかなり遅れていることに気付いた。

Honestly, I liked this episode! The anime did a better job of picturing the common demons as human-like than the manga and I like also the scenes with the lambda factory. That said it still feels really rushed. For example, I didn’t imagine they would introduce Peter Ratri like this out of nowhere and forget about Isabella. I feel now even sadder that they decided to finish with this season instead of keeping the good parts of the manga and fixing the ending because this episode showed that it could have been done. Instead, we just have a precipitated ending mixed with some good ideas.

正直今回の話は良かった。普通の鬼たちの暮らしを、人間の暮らしと重ねるところがアニメの方が上手く表せてた!さらにラムダのシーンも好きだった。とはいえやっぱり急いでる感が否めない。例えば、ピーターラトリーをこんな風にどこからともなく紹介してくるとは想像できなかった。イザベラのことも忘れてるし。 漫画のいい部分とエンディングを変える代わりに、このシリーズを終わりにするって決めたのが本当に悲しい。なぜなら今回の話でちゃんと終わらせることができたって分かったから。代わりにいいエンディングを迎えるのを待っています。

Did they…did they just pull a Martha? Wow. That’s…not great. The worst part is this episode could have actually been really good. The concept of planning vs actually committing genocide (in order to survive) is an interesting one. And Norman’s moment of realization could have been a great moment in the show. But….they went with the Martha approach.

マルタ、、もしかしてマルタを引用した…? それは良くない。 何が最悪ってこの話が本当にいい話になり得たこと。虐殺の計画を立てるvs実際にそれを行う(生き残るために)は興味深い話だ。それにノーマンが気付いた瞬間は最高の瞬間になるはずだった、、のに、、彼らはマルタを引用した、、

S2 is not too bad overall but it’s just not as good as s1


I like the twist that the old man is actually the same special demon as Mujika/Sonju. That explains why he let the children live freely in the temple. Also that he has a granddaughter named as Emma lol. As cheesy as the scene is (mainly due to BVS), i think it makes sense to bring some sense to Norman that there’s innocent demon too.

あのおじいちゃん鬼が実際ムジカやソンジュと同じ血の持ち主だったって言う話の展開が私は好きだった。これがあのお寺でなぜおじいちゃんは子供たちを自由に生活させてたのかの証明だね。 しかもエマっていう名前の孫を持ってたなんて!笑 シーンは安っぽいけど、ノーマンが普通の鬼もいるんだよということに本当の意味で気づくにはいいシーンだった。

Hey remember when Isabella was teased as being important? Yeah me neither. →   Yeah idk what happened with that. Probably would have been better off killing her or making us this she was forever imprisoned or dead

へい!イザベラが重要って言われてた時のこと覚えてる? → それな何が起こったかわからない。多分彼女は死んだことにするか、一生監獄の中ってことにしといた方が私たちにとって良かったよな。

They were like Naruto characters standing on top of those tall pillars and jumping off


Old Demon: Emma! Norman: WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!!!

おじいちゃん鬼;エマ! ノーマン;なんでその名前を読んだ!!

There are two types of demon in promised neverled world. i support demons. what about you?


How am I supposed to feel **** if I don’t give a **** about anyone. The characters have had so much stupid juice to drink that I don’t care about the humans and what reason is there to care about the demons?? oh yeah of course that one 3 second scene showing degenerating demons was supposed to make me care ah yes. and now with the genocide I’m supposed to feel something? yes genocide is bad but if they don’t give me reason to care how can I??? I am not invested at all and forcing myself to with this ****show so I can be done with it. This is worse torture than akame ga kill holy ****


Why Norman has blood on his mouth, his coughing? In farm he had a test to test his knowledge. They didn’t even experiment on his body.


Lol Norman was trying so hard to look like a bad guy.


At least the village being destroyed was good eh? Isabella still not showing up? I’m putting it here first, Isabella will show up next epi when emma vs norman is going on, and tricking them to believe isabella lol. And the drop on Ray though, from being same level of smart to Norman to not realising Norman will lie to them. Feels like they’ve ruined his credibility

少なくともあの村が壊されたのは良かったんじゃない? イザベラはまだ出てこないの?エマvsノーマンが起こってるときにイザベラを出現させて、次のエピソードででてくるってトリックかけたの?笑 初めはレイとノーマンは同じレベルだったのに、実現させないためにノーマンは彼らに嘘をついてる。ノーマンの信頼を失ったように感じる。

Ngl i kinda hate emma, i dont know why she want to save the demons, it really annoys me


As an anime only, I’m not hating this season as much as others, but I still feel everything is too rushed and the events happen conveniently… The lost locket was so predictable. I still don’t get how Norman was able to build the bomb and I wish his companions had been more fleshed out.


Norman did nothing wrong. He is dying, he ain’t got time for any of that bull**** trying to make peace with demons that NEED to eat humans to survive. That is, there’s still a bit of explanation about how that old man’s blood saved Emma2, and why can’t it be used en masse to lean off demons off of human flesh. If it was easy to use their blood as alternative, then that’s bad because they didn’t use it until now. If it’s really hard, then can you blame Norman for not having the patience? Also, the old man was aware the time of reckoning is long overdue.

ノーマンは何も間違ったことはしていないよ。彼は死にかけていて、生きるために人間を食べなければいけない鬼どもとの間に平和を築くべく努力する、なーんて馬鹿なことをやっているヒマはないんだ。 あの老人の血がどうやって「エマ2」を救ったのか、なぜ一斉にそれを使って人間の肉への依存を断ち切れなかったのか、ということに対する説明はもう少し必要だな。彼らの血を人間の代替品として使うのが簡単だったら、それを今まで使わなかったのが悪いんだよ。もしそれが本当に難しいことだったとして、ノーマンのことを忍耐力がないと責められるか? それに、あの老いた鬼はとっくの昔に自分にお迎えのタイミングが来ていたことは自覚していただろ。

Honestly, I liked this episode! The anime did a better job of picturing the common demons as human-like than the manga and I like also the scenes with the lambda factory. That said it still feels really rushed. For example, I didn’t imagine they would introduce Peter Ratri like this out of nowhere and forget about Isabella. I feel now even sadder that they decided to finish with this season instead of keeping the good parts of the manga and fixing the ending because this episode showed that it could have been done. Instead, we just have a precipitated ending mixed with some good ideas.

正直言って、今回のエピソードは良いと思ったよ! アニメのほうが漫画よりも普通の鬼たちを人間らしく描くのが上手いね。それに、ラムダ農園のシーンも良かったな。 そうは言っても、アニメの展開はあいかわらず本当に急ぎすぎている感じだね。たとえば、こんなふうにピーター・ラートリーをどこからともなく登場させておいて、イザベラのことを忘れるだなんて想像もしていなかったよ。 アニメ制作者たちが、原作の良い部分を残したままエンディングを修正するんじゃなくて、今シーズン限りでこのアニメを終了させることを決定してしまったのかと思うと、余計に悲しい気持ちになるなぁ。だって、今回のエピソードを見たら、そうすることも出来たはずということがわかるもん。その代わりに僕たちが見せられるのは、しょせんいくつかの良いアイデアが混ざった急ごしらえのエンディングに過ぎないんだ。

Despite the show being how it is, I’m really looking forward to how they do the ending. Either Emma is able to talk-no-jutsu all the demons into veganism, or they escape to the human world. Escaping to the human world has its own issues though, like how will they get there? Its likely guarded by those soldier people who destroyed their base, and you cant tell me they’ll be able to take them out with bows and arrows


Notably, better than other episodes this season, even if it is still rushed. We surprisingly got a summary of the Lambda backstory, and the destruction of the town and the entire scene with Norman near the end was actually pretty damn good. Props to the composer of this season, the OST during the attack was amazing.

相変わらず急な展開だとはいえ、今シーズンの他のエピソードに比べたら今回のエピソードは良い出来だったということは注目すべきポイントだね。ラムダ農園の背景があらすじで出てきたのには驚いたよ。あと、終盤あたりの町の破壊とノーマンの登場シーン全体はすっげえ良かったな。 今シーズンを担当した作曲者には「でかした!」と言いたいね、攻撃のシーンで流れていたオリジナルサントラが素晴らしかったよ。

“”I can obtain explosives. all I need is a detonator.”” *cut scene* *building explodes* …I’m sure glad they explained that.

「爆発物は手に入る。 あと必要なのは起爆装置だけだ。」

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