
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第9話 海外の反応・感想

That was absolutely terrible. On the bright side, I can see the last 2 episodes play out pretty much like the manga. On the down side, I can see the last 2 episodes play out pretty much like the manga.


After the last episode was actually good, giving me hope, we got this garbage.


We had genocide Norman for like.. 1 1/2 episodes? This **** is so bad maaan.. Also, now that we are already on the “”don’t kill any demons””-route: RIP to any interesting thing involving Zazie, I guess..?


I’m so disappointed. I had a theory that Norman didn’t actually have a drug which degenerates the demons and his actual plan was to kill all the humans in the farms. Then him and the other escaped children could hide out for a while until all the demons died


So we resolve the entire town attack in like 10 minutes and the followers of Norman (including the over the top girl who literally eats demon meat out of revenge) have totally converted to being tolerant of demons. Aight. The show has awarded Emma for her faith in not killing with this ultimate finale that will allow her to save Phil and gang, create a drug to save Norman, and possibly go to the human world. But it just feels so undeserved because of the random convenience and luck to get her there. At least it’s fun seeing the trainwreck continue. I’m still amazed that they introduced the evil Peter guy last episode and he looks to be the ultimate boss of the show for the final two (?) episodes.


So everyone changed their mind and became friendly? Just like that? After all of that history, it just resolves itself? Then we have the convenience of everything being at that 1 farm. Literally everything, even a ****ing cure for Norman and the others. Really? And to top it all off, the 1 guy who hated demons the most, who actually disagreed with Norman standing down, it supposed to be the one to make a deal with them? What the **** happened to this series?


Once this season ends I’ll pretend it never existed.


Okay, WHAT happened to Rays character though? He’s barley said any words this season & has no opinions. I guess even the author knew not to **** with the (arguably) most popular character in the series.


i miss when ray was a main character, Norman was cunning and Emma wasn’t an absolute idiot that the universe bends to help, she had to compromise leaving Phil at the farm she got her leg broken, she struggled so much to earn the escape, it would be like Emma saying “”let’s save mom and krone too”” and then suddenly it started raining good juice and all the demons stopped eating humans and they all lived happy


Hey guys remember at the end of season 1 when they introduced the plot point of Ray being Isabella’s son? Guess that doesn’t matter at all anymore considering there’s 2 episodes left. Hell, nothing really matters. Everything gets brushed over in this season.


Honestly you know what I want from this show? I want Emma’s naivety to get half of her family killed. I want actual emotion, regret, and risk. This show has become so light in the second season but I would love for there to actually be consequences for the characters’ actions.


I don’t understand why people don’t like this season. Best comedy ever 10/10


Vincent: I hate the demons so much I would kill a kid Also Vincent: I’m going to make a deal with the demons. It could just be a fakeout, and part of their plan is that he pretends to switch sides, but if it isn’t, that’s real dumb.

ヴィンセント:鬼は大嫌いだ、子供すら殺すだろう。  これもヴィンセント:鬼と取引をする  これがフェイクだって可能性もある、計画の1部かもしれない。けどそうじゃなかったら馬鹿げてる

→I feel like Vincent’s motivations have changed to survival since there’s a chance he’ll live. What’s better odds, them beating them demons or him making a deal to get the cure?


Why did it take them a full year of time skip to come up with this plan? Were they waiting for Norman to get through this forced mental conflict of whether or not to kill all demons?


I was really hoping best mom would have a bigger role this season, hoping she’s prominent in the final stretch at least!


of course there’s a cure at grace field house for the seizures, because why the hell not. the story could have been much better if norman’s return to sanity felt earned, but it just felt so convenient and quick. norman’s cronies (besides vincent) went from having murderous intent to totally on board with the plan way too quickly. with them going back to grace field house which conveniently has the rest of the kids they want to save, the cure all drug, and the gate to the human world, they HAVE to be wanting to wrap the story up here

当然のごとく、グレイスフィールドハウスには発作を治す方法があるんだろ?無いわけないもんな? ノーマンを正気に戻すために一苦労する展開を挟んでいればもっと良い話になったかもしれないけど、彼はずいぶん都合良くすぐに改心しちゃったね。ノーマンの取り巻き(ヴィンセント以外)も鬼を虐殺する意志を持っていたのに、みんな呆れるほどあっという間に新しい計画に乗り替えてしまったな。 グレースフィールドハウスに戻れば、救いたいと思っている残りの子供たち、万能薬、人間の世界へのゲートがぜんぶ都合良く揃っていることになっていて、制作者たちはここで物語を終わらせたがっているに違いないね。

All it took was a hug from Emma to eradicate Norman’s murderous intent.


Really? After everything he’s been through, that’s all it took to change Norman’s mind?? I would understand Emma shaking his conviction, but a complete 180 in like 2 minutes? Emma is going to get them all killed, or at least she would have if it wasn’t for the unreasonable amount of luck they had at the end of the episode. Good thing the old demon they saved, who lives in some random backwater town, just so happens to have a trinket that just so happens to be compatible with the kids’ pen that just so happens to contain a map of the farms AND the guard patterns AND the CURE for Norman and the others? WHAT? Am I the only one baffled by this? I miss when they actually earned their victories.

はぁ~マジで?あんなに散々苦しみを味わってきたノーマンの気持ちが、たったそれだけで変わってしまうもんかね??エマがノーマンの信念を揺さぶることは理解できるけど、たかだか2分程度で考えが180度変わってしまうってどうよ? エピソード最後に起こった嘘くさいレベルの幸運さえなかったら、エマだって鬼たちを皆殺しにしようとしたはずだろ。 幸運だったのは、彼らが助けた年老いた鬼がその辺の田舎町に住んでいて、子供たちのペンと「たまたま」互換性のあるペンダントを「たまたま」持っていて、その中に「たまたま」農園の地図と警備のパターンとノーマンたちを治す方法の情報すべてが入っていたこと、だって?はぁ?こんなことに困惑しているのは俺だけなのかい? 子供たちが本当に勝利を手にした時のことが懐かしいなぁ。

And the guard placements on that 15 year old map obviously remained completely unchanged. It’s not like a bunch of kids escaped recently and made the farms tighten up their security or anything…


What made the first season so satisfying was how earned everything was. Everyone worked their asses off, (most) everyone took upon some leadership role or made sacrifices, everything was thought out completely. Nothing was just “”resolved”” in one episode. So many plot devices were meticulously placed, camera angles, objects, quick and seemingly unimportant scenes, everything felt deserved for both the viewer and the characters. Now we have victory after victory, convenience after convenience. It would be more believable if they hinted a few episodes earlier why the man with the pen part was near the village, or that Norman and the Lambda gang would defect. I want some conflict between the characters, like how in the first season we had Ray vs Isabella, Krone vs Everyone, Ray vs Norman/Emma, Don/Gilda vs Ray/Norman/Emma, Isabella vs Emma, etc. Now everyone’s just friendly and gets along. IMO the best part of the episode was the very end when Vincent revealed himself to be a traitor, but knowing it would only last like an episode or two puts a downer on things. And knowing that this traitor plotline will probably be resolved in less than a minute, probably through talking, also disappoints me.

多くの仕掛けが緻密に張り巡らされていて、カメラアングル、物の配置、一瞬のどうでもいいようなシーンなど、すべてが視聴者と登場人物両方にとって意義があると感じられたものだ。 今は、勝利に次ぐ勝利、ご都合主義的な展開に続くご都合主義的展開だ。ペンのパーツを持った鬼が村の近くにいた理由や、ノーマンとラムダの仲間が変節することを数話前にほのめかしていたら、もっと信憑性が出ただろうに。第1シーズンにあったような、レイ対イザベラ、クローネ対みんな、レイ対ノーマンとエマ、ドンとジルダ対レイとノーマンとエマ、イザベラ対エマ、などの登場人物間の対立も描いて欲しい。今はみんなひたすら仲良くやっているね。 僕が思うに、今回のエピソードで一番良かったのは、ヴィンセントが裏切り者であることを最後に明かしたところだが、それも1話か2話しか続かないだろうということで気持ちが萎えてしまった。それに、この裏切り者のプロットもきっと1分以内、それもおそらく対話によって解決されるだろうと予想がつくから、がっかりだよ。

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