

第5話 笛を吹く少女

第5話 海外の反応・感想

I love how self aware this show is. It’s refreshing


I love this show so much, these episodes have all been a joy from start to finish. This episode answered, inevitably misdirected, and teased answers for a couple of central questions while managing to be entertaining throughout. I also loved that we finally saw Neiru fight, her compass blade/rifle was sick, and she did indeed manage to blow my mind. The character designs and animations are on point, the direction in both action and non-action scenes is phenomenal, and the music bops. If the show holds its momentum and has a satisfying conclusion, this could go down as a personal favorite.


Still some great animation this episode. I love to see the 4 girls hanging out and having fun, though we all know something is going to divide them soon. I was proud of Rika for questioning the whole quest though they all still do it. And like I hoped last week we got to learn more about Neiru. The cut to the dream world on her laugh was one of my favorite parts.


As much as I want to think that the teacher is actually good and they’re tricking us into thinking he’s sus, I feel like we have to keep in mind that the signs of abuse are often very apparent but overlooked. Finding out that he is scumbag and we brushed off the signs sure would be a gut punch.


Theory: the series ends with their memories being wiped – which is why they don’t acknowledge each other in the intro.


I liked the point Rika was trying to make but some of her lines come off as inconsiderate which I think matches well with her character. I think she means to do good things but her words can really bite and she doesn’t think how others may see them.


I think I like this show in the same way I like Oyasumi Punpun… In that, it makes me sick to my stomach a lot. I let out an audible ‘HOLY ****’ when it showed Neiru’s scars, when she said “”my sister stabbed me”” I didn’t think it meant “”she gouged huge wounds into my spine””. It just caught me surprised with how detailed it was drawn. This idea of dying to preserve youth/beauty oddly seems to come up a lot in anime/manga but usually from a different party towards a victim. It really made me uncomfortable hearing it come from one’s self.


Not gonna lie, after seeing the giant scar, my face was stuck in pure shock for a solid 30 seconds. I honestly didn’t expect that


I’m so worried we are going to find out that Koito can’t be saved because she didn’t commit suicide.


I didn’t expect the whole cast to become friends so early on, and I loved how this fact challenged the entire premise of the show. The scene where Rika tried to convince the others to stop risking their lives was jaw-dropping. She made a convincing argument as to why the series could have ended right there, at episode 5… but alas, the suffering shall continue. So… where do we go from here? I fear that everything’s going a bit too well for the girls, and things are going to get darker from now on. I’m betting on no deaths, though.


I don’t think Ai took part in the bullying; she just “”closed her eyes and pretended not to see”” it. So Ai had bystander syndrome and feels guilty over this, but I don’t think she personally took part in attacking Koito.


Not the best thing to watch during winter depression months in the middle of a pandemic waiting for more climate crisis. But on the other hand, what a lovingly crafted piece of work.


This show is handling mental health issues so well All the characters feel so real, and the visuals and soundtrack are stunning


Another good episode. My ideas about the teacher have changed slightly. I feel less like he was engaged in a relationship with Koito. He first targeted Ai, but I’m guessing he decided to take advantage of Koito or he used her to isolate Ai even further using her suicide. If he adopts cats like it was mentioned, then I think he may be a sociopath (obsessed with appearances) or prone to obsessions (still focused on Ai).


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