

第10話 人の命と初仕事

第10話 海外の反応・感想

Seems like I chose the worst time to binge the series. One more week of waiting and only one new episode. I want moree… The animation really feels like movie quality throughout the series, I know every one has already said it but it’s never enough!

このシリーズに熱中するタイミングとしては良くないタイミングを選んでしまったようだよ。だって、新しいエピソードを観るのに1週間待たないといけないんだから。早くもっと観たいよ…。 1期全体を通じてアニメーションのクオリティーは映画並みだし、みんなも既に言ってると思うけど、文句なしだよ!

I binged to catch up on this anime and man this really is a fantastic fantasy setting, and you can really feel the passion from the staff every episode.


I hope they do more episodes of them questing, feels good to watch some action.


The voice acting is so good for this show. I do not want this to end.


I am struck by how Eris was so enthusiastic and remained as violent, and now obviously so attached to Rudeus, as compared to when they first met. And at night, Eris worries about Ghislaine and her family. A really day and night behaviour there.

僕はエリスがとても元気いっぱいでバイオレンスな部分がとても気に入っているよ。それと、初めて会った当初と比べると、ルーデウスになついている部分とかもね。 それと、夜にエリスがギレーヌや家族を心配していたね。まぁ、四六時中一緒にいたしね。

The city sort of reminds me of Tatooine from Star Wars


I wonder what the VAs reactions were when they read the script for Demon Language


You know, despite some unfortunate pervy scenes, this author has made a honestly interesting world. I really hope this anime can go from start to finish of the LN.(unless the LN is still going?) All in all, love the series so far.


Maybe my favorite episode yet. I hated Eris at first, but now I’m really starting to like her. Rudeus was only pervy once the entire episode, and his good qualities outshone his bad throughout. Interesting considering that his more relativistic attitude is portrayed as preferable to the moral absolutism of Rujierd when it’s reversed in most isekai. Am interested to see if they pursue that further.

今回のはお気に入りのエピソードだったよ。 最初はエリスのこと嫌いだったんだけど、今はどんどん彼女のことが好きになってきてるよ。 今回のエピソードでルーデウスがいやらしい姿だったのは1回だけだったね。彼の良い部分が悪い部分より多くフィーチャーされてたしね。彼の相対主義的な姿勢がルイジェルドの絶対主義的な考え方と対比されて描かれている点は興味深かったね。彼らが一歩ずつ進んでいくのを見ていけるのが今後も楽しみだよ。

LMAO I can’t tell if Eris is stupid or brave. Most probably both actually now that I think about it.


We get a new OP song this episode. Next episode will be the last of this cour, I want to hibernate for 3 months after next week

今回新しいOP曲を聞けたね。 次回が第一クールラストだね。来週観たら3ヶ月冬眠したい気分だよ。

I was surprised and impressed by how much of the episode wasn’t in Japanese. Not that I really know anything about linguistics, but that can’t be a simple feat. It certainly felt really natural


“”Progress: 10/11″” – Sad. For some reason I thought we have 2 more episodes in this cour, not 1…


Damn Eris killed those things at the start like nothing! Ghislaine’s training looks to have paid off big time. triple boobs with elf ears? sign me up! favorite part of the episode was Eris punching Ruijerd while lecturing him in the dungeon

冒頭でエリスは平然とモンスターを倒してたね!ギレーヌの指導が実を結んでいるようだね。 エルフ耳で3つの胸を持った子?僕も申し込みませて! 今回のエピソードでお気に入りだったパートは、ダンジョンでルイジェルドに話してる時にエリスがパンチしたことかな。

The way Man God goes away is so ****ing creepy


That feels too fast for an episode. ​ I thought Superd was misunderstood due to the manipulation. This episode proves that even without the manipulation, Superd is still a fearful race. It also makes me wonder how strong the Migurd race is since the whole village didn’t seem to fear Ruijerd.


Rudy’s cosplay is hilarious.


We saw a glimpse of it last week, but damn…Ruijerd can be scary. I’m looking forward to seeing his character development.


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