

第5話 お嬢様と暴力

第5話 海外の反応・感想

Was excited to see that fight scene animated for a long time. It definitely lived up to my expectations.


damn this show is a lot darker/more mature than i thought coming into the first ep


I love this anime, but I can’t get behind a sword style that teaches you how to throw your sword as a technique. When you do that all you’ve achieved is to disarm yourself.


So Eris remains a brat and seems didn’t learn anything. If this episode showed a way less haughty Eris it would have been perfect. But it seems I must be content with the other adaptations, which made Eris way meeker. Also Eris is worst girl, all tsunderes are the worst.

エリスはうるさい子どものままで社会勉強ができていないようだね。もし今回のエピソードでエリスを高飛車な子と印象付けるのが目的だとすると完璧なエピソードだったよ。 でも個人的にはエリスをもっとおとなしい感じで表現してくれた方が良かったかなと思うよ。それに、確かにエリスは良くない女の子だけど、他のアニメのツンデレの子たちの方がもっとどぎついしね。

Might 8K be possible today? I think it is very unlikely before the 48h deadline but it would be a nice surprise


This was, IMO the best episode of this show, to date. I didn’t like some aspects of the previous episodes, but this one was pretty amazing, especially the fighting sequence


I’m coming back likr a day later after watching the episode, and man I’m still not over how amazing that fight scene was, and that was just a random episode 5 fight against basically just random mook kidnappers lol. Imagine how ludicrously cool an actual climactic final battle would/will be for this show.


i actually felt sorry for the girl once i saw how graphic it went….how they bashed her teeth in, i mean her attitude is bad yeah, but i couldn’t help but feel sad.


Like in the manga, it perfectly emphasizes the difference between bratty children and holy **** scum of the earth criminals. I joke about slapping kids all the time, but I would never wish actual harm like this on them, no matter how naughty they are.


Eris really shows how awful actual “”tsunderes”” are, huh. Nah they’re not just gonna slap you, they’ll beat you half to death for talking back to them. Remember, kids. Tsunderes, not even once. Stick to the derederes and kuuderes.

エリスは本当にひどいツンデレだねはは。彼女らはただ平手打ちをするんではなくて、半殺しにするレベルでしてくるんだよね。 でも覚えておいて、みんな。ツンデレにはもれなくデレデレやクーデレがついてくるから。

So between Rudy’s first encounter with Eris, Eris having the tar beat out of her, and the final fight sequence at the end, which of these scenes from the episodes is gonna be posted as a clip and then massively upvoted?


I don’t think I’ve ever loved a character’s introduction more than Ghislaine’s from this episode


This episode sealed it. I’ll buy this season on dvd when it comes out. Anything to continue getting multiple seasons with this quality.


Eris best waifu


If i wanna start reading the manga, which chapter should i start after watching this episode?


The overall pace is very comfortable


I love how he loses this fight so similarly to the fight against his father – he fights well and uses magic and good tactics, but gets outplayed by speed. He has enough reaction time to realize what is happening but not to respond, just like in the last episode he realized Paul won before he landed the blow: “”I’m glad it’s a wooden sword””. I also love how rudy suddenly realized he could die. I feel like hes been treating everything like some MMORPG to this point. He lived a quiet, safe and sheltered life up until now, but suddenly being faced with the dead bodies of the thugs and being saved in the very last second I wonder if he’s going to be more cowardly in the future.

ルディは魔法や戦術を駆使していて戦っているんだけどスピードで負けてて、父親の剣術の流派に負けている部分は好きなシーンだったな。何が起きているか考えたりする思考速度は十分なんだけど、4話で「木剣で良かった」と言ってパウロに負けたときのように実際に反応まではできてないしね。 それにルディは今回初めて死を意識する瞬間があってそれも良かったと思うよ。僕もオンラインRPGの世界にいるような感じがしたよ。今まで平穏・安全で保護された場所にいたのが誘拐犯によって突然死と隣り合わせの環境に身を置くことになって、ギリギリで助けてもらったしね。今後彼は臆病になってしまうのかどうか見ものだね。

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