

第9話 邂逅

第9話 海外の反応・感想

I love how optimistic Eris is! She seems to be enjoying herself.


I love how this series lets us watch him grow up. Most anime start young, then 6 years pass in a single episode.


Can someone tell me what RL language is Demonspeak based off?


Hitogami looks like The Truth, but he acts like The Dwarf in the Flask And Rudy is Hohenheim lol

ヒトガミは「真理」のような感じだよね。でも、振舞い方とかは「フラスコの中の小人」のようだよ。それじゃあ、ルディは「ホーエンハイム」かな。 *真理、フラスコの中の小人、ホーエンハイムは「鋼の錬金術師」の登場人物。

Ok, I’m starting to like Eris. Didn’t expect that.

エリスのことがどんどん好きになってきているよ。 そんなこと思ってもみなかったのにさ。

this show is godlike


I thank everyone especially the people who whine about this anime, you’re driving more people to watch this masterpiece.


Getting harder and harder not to read the manga…


Manga skipped much more contents than the anime, instead if you’re interested to learn more about MT and why it’s so popular you should read the novel.


Absolutely loving the pacing so far. Glad we’re finally on a “”proper”” physical journey now, and I loved how they introduced the Supierd race. Nothing much else to add, another fantastic episode.


Roxy is the same age as Rudeus + Japanese Rudeus it’s meant to be

ロキシーの年齢はルーデウスの現世と前世を足し合わせた年齢と同じなんだよね。 これってそういう運命にあったということだよねきっと。

I love Roxy’s village, very wholesome


Finally done with prolog, can’t wait to see this story unfold


The plot’s happening now. Not that everything before this wasn’t amazing, of course Ruijerd is really cool. I also like how Rudeus compared the regrets of his past life to the 400 years of regret Ruijerd has had to live with. Great character moments all around in this one Eris didn’t do much this episode, but just seeing her interact with other people really shows how far she’s come

ついに話が動き始めたね。もちろん、これまでも面白くなかったっていうわけではないけどね。 ルイジェルドはとってもクールだったよ。ルーデウスの前世での後悔と、ルイジェルドの400年間の後悔とを比較している場面もお気に入りだよ。素晴らしいキャラクターだよね。 エリスは今回のエピソードではキーキャラってわけではなかったけど、他人と接する彼女の様子を見ていると、彼女が順調に成長してきているのが分かるよね。

I was unsure about this show because of the pedo stuff, but the character writing is really well done and I like the growth everyone seems to be showing. Also this world is cool as hell and the show is gorgeous. Definitely glad I decided to stick with it


The episode was great. The part when they first meet the superd was well done, from the subtle animations of rudeous’s caution, to the girl having a little freekout 🤣 Everything about this was great, even if they left some tiny details out from the novel, I can’t complain!


The music, god dammit. The music its just spectacular. So ****ing on point


Man. This really was a turning point last episode. The whole story now shifted to a different arc. The new characters like Rujierd with the world-building, backstory, and lore are pretty interesting. That Roxy Village scene was hilarious. (Also hopefully Ghislaine will make a return someday…if she’s not gone).

前回のエピソードは本当にターニングポイントだったね。ストーリーがこれまでの展開までとは大きくシフトしてきているよ。 言い伝えやバックストーリーとして登場してきたルイジェルドのような新キャラクターはとても興味深いよ。ロキシーの村のシーンはとても面白かったしね。 それと、ギレーヌがいつか戻ってくることを願うよ…死んでなければだけど。

this anime is a addiction


It was hilarious how Rudy was counting everyone as One Roxy…..Two Roxys….Three Roxys….


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