



第11話 ぼくらの大乱戦

第11話 海外の反応・感想

Man I should have waited for more episodes to be released before I started binging them.


Dies anyone know the name of the ost between minutes 4:50-5:20?


Probably the worst training match out of all of them. Weak story and nothing interesting except the main character is even more overpowered than we thought. I thought maybe Bakugou and Todoroki could be as strong as a full power Deku but in their own ways. Now lmfao nope.


With this episode and last weeks, this season is finally starting to kind of go somewhere.


Mina teasing Uraraka was my highlight.


One of those fights where I was irrationally upset the protagonist won. I wanted Shinso to win so bad. In the limited time we’ve had him as relevant supporting character he’s been far more interesting than nearly everyone else, except maybe bar Bakugo and Todoroki. Deku is just not an interesting character to me

こういうファイトの中で主役が勝ってむしょうにイラついたファイトの一つだな。オレはとにかくマジで心操に勝ってほしかったよ。 限られた時間の中で彼はサポート・キャラだったけど、彼は他の誰よりもよっぽど面白いキャラだよ、爆豪と轟以外ね。デクはオレにとってはとにかく面白くないキャラクターだね。

Kind of a boring episode ngl


Does anyone know what song is playing starting about 4 minutes in going up until about 6 minutes, before I’ll Be Your Hero kicks in?

「I’ll Be Your Hero kicks」が始まるまでの4分から6分くらいまでに流れてた曲が何かわかる人いる?

Phew, thankfully this arc looks like it’s finally over. Ten episodes of these no-stakes practice battles with almost zero forward plot momentum (besides Deku’s reveal) has really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for this season. I’ve never been this unexcited for new MHA before, so I’m really excited for it to hopefully pick back up after this.


Next week will bee the 100th episode of MHA!


Man this episode flew by. I loved it though. And it is just crazy to think about how OP Deku is going to become now with this new power and of course the other quirks he will eventually get. And yess! More cute Ochaco moments when she blushes about hugging Deku lol. She was also great these last two episodes.

おいおい、このエピソードはあっという間だったな。オレは大好きだったけどね。 それと、デクが新しい力でこれからどんだけ圧倒的な強さになるかってことと、さらに他の個性も今後彼が手に入れるってことを考えるだけでクレイジーだよ。 それに、そう!!お茶子がデクをハグしたってことで顔を赤らめたのはホントかわいかったww それに彼女は今回の前回の2エピソードで最高だったね。

I liked the background music they played when midoriya’s team won. It sounded like villain music


I never noticed this before but All Might calling Uraraka “”Uraraka-shojo”” is really cute.


Am I the only one who can’t keep buying Deku as an Underdog anymore?


Wow. It only took 10 episodes for this season to be interesting. Good episode but this show is a rollercoaster. It’s either really good or super generic.


Yup, I still hate Mineta the most. So god damn cringey and gross.


Man, Uraraka was awesome! A little disappointed though that Deku can’t handle the power of his new Black Whip.

おお、ウララカは最高! デクが新しいパワーの黒鞭を使いこなせなかったのはちょっとガッカリだったけどね。

honestly this episode was a bit disappointing compared to the last three


Ochako was the MVP for this one ☝️ gotta love my floaty best girl

お茶子が今回のMVP☝️ オレのフローティー・ベスト・ガール!

Boobs is Mineta’s weakness.


So monoma can’t use dekus quirk?


Will be explained next episode


This episode is 60% flashback


This season has probably been the most boring yet.


For sure. Super boring. If only monoma actually used OFA…


Yeah and this episode was most boring of all the battles so far. This arc is mainly here just to show us how they have improved but not much is happening at the same time.


Mirio and Eri next episode lets goooo!


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