
『進撃の巨人』ファイナルシーズンPart1 海外の反応・感想【全16話】ワクワクが止まらない!



Levi MVP


When Eren said he hated Mikasa, I’m pretty sure that he was lying. The reason why I think so is because back in season 3, we see Eren Kruger (the Owl) “remember” Mikasa and Armin and want to save them thanks to Eren’s memories. I feel this might be Eren’s long term goal. Of course, these are just my personal thoughts


It was so satisfying to see Zeke get blown up. What a bastard


I feel like Levi is the Saitama of SnK, like whenever he’s in a fight you know that he’ll win one way or the other because his character has been established in such a way that he’s “humanities strongest soldier”


Yeah Levi is unbeatable in fights. You should watch the next ep tho


bruh what the ****, why is eren an asshole now


Eren judging Armin that he’s being controlled by Bertolt memories doesn’t make any sense, cause clearly Eren is being controlled by Greisha and Kruger memories too.. Also him saiyng that he hates people who aren’t free at the same time recruiting people to follow him is a little bit weird… Eren kinda contradicts himself!

エレンがアルミンはベルトルトの記憶に支配されてるっ批判するのは全然納得できないな。だってエレンも明らかにグリシャとクルーガーの記憶に支配されてるじゃないか… それに、彼は自由じゃない人間は嫌いだって言いながら、同時に自分につく人間を募ってるのはなんかちょっと変だよ… エレンは自分自身に矛盾してるよ!

Why this episodes makes me wanna fight my friends


Pls stop being mean Eren, I don’t like you bullying Armin and Mikasa.


Red Swan (S3Op1) hits hard now

Red Swan(シーズン3のOP)が今はすげーくるな

This ****ing anime… first I take it as a mindless gore-fest with no explanation, no payoff, and it turns out to be the most elaborate world-building in anime.


Imagine being an Animator wanting to see your family but Levi has a fight scene.


The song during the fight scene of Levi and Zeke sounded good. Does anyone know the name of it?




Bro this episode couldve been three different episodes idk what to focus on so much happened. Between ema fight, floch, and levi vs zeke my brain is butter.


Mikasa I hate you. Eren is becoming like Kira from Death Note.


The Levi scene broke my heart, you could see the sorrow in his eyes


This might just be the best episode of AoT this season. Somehow, someway, just when I think I know what’s going to happen in Attack on Titan it never happens. Amazing storytelling, amazing episode. Jesus Christ.

これがおそらく今期の進撃の巨人のベスト・エピソードだな。 どうしてだか、オレが進撃の巨人で次になにが起こるかわかるなって思ったことは絶対起こらない。アメージングなストーリーテリング、アメージングなエピソード。なんてこった。

Another great, but heavy episode. Personally, I don’t believe Eren always hated Mikasa. I feel like his goal was to drive his two closest friends away so they don’t go down his path, so he hurts them to their core. Maybe that’s me being optimistic, but I can’t imagine Eren hates her.

またもうひとつの最高で、だけどヘビーなエピソード。 個人的には、オレはエレンがミカサのことをずっと嫌いだったなんて信じないな。オレは彼のゴールは彼の一番近しい二人の友達を自分から遠ざけて、自分の生き方の道ずれにさせないため。だから彼は二人をひどく傷つけるんだ。たぶん、それはオレが楽観的なのかもしれないけど、でもオレはエレンが彼女を嫌ってるなんて考えられない。

I feel bad for Levi. How many times does he have to experience losing all of his comrades?


Red Swan hits a bit different after this episode….

このエピソードの後はRed Swanがなんかちょっと違った感じに聞こえるな…

There’s really not gonna be a happy ending eh


The scene in the restaurant hurt to watch. Seeing friendships being shredded mercilessly. Even if Eren is doing this to distance himself from the other two out of safety. It still hurt. And the OST during Levi “”vs”” Zeke was fitting, IMO.

あのレストランでのシーンは見るに耐えなかったよ。友情が容赦無くズタズタにされるのを見るのは。たとえもし、あれはエレンがあの二人の安全のためにを彼らを自分から遠ざけるためにしたことだとしても、それでも胸が痛いよ。 それと、リヴァイ対ジークのシーンのOSTはすごいあってたと思うね。

Zeke’s reaction when Levi caught up to him is priceless 😂


There is no way i could have predicted the way things are going…holy ****


These 2 Episodes were really hard to digest


Did not expect that reveal about Mikasa. Holy ****.


I didnt watch the episode last week when i heard it was interrupted so I got to watch the full one today. That must of sucked getting blueballed like that the last 5 minutes were really good


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