2017年より「週刊少年ジャンプ」にて連載されている『Dr.STONE』。 「次にくるマンガ大賞2018 コミックス部門」2位入賞、「第64回小学館漫画賞少年向け部門」を受賞するなど、注目度の高い漫画作品。
the manga has some of the funniest moments i have ever seen in this show just trust me season 2 has some great moments
Best Christmas present, anime can behold us
The Dr.Stone Is Make My Brain Exploded, But This My Favorite Anime And I’m Waiting For Season 2 .
I’m ten-billion percent going to watch this xd
Dr. Stone Season 2 im happy man
I’ve watched this trailer almost 10 times… I’m addicted to watching this trailer….
Bloodless Victory? Yeah, I’d expect nothing less from Senku Ten Billion Percent!
Today I have just finished season 1 ,,I can tell you now I’m ten billion percent more excited than before, this is exhilarating😁
omfg i cant wait
You can tell that the animation in this season gonna be even better cause this season’s previews look better than season 1 previews.
I just finished reading the manga and POG i can’t wait for it all to be animated! 😭 Masterpiece!
If all other anime will be like this i mean at least based on science then children will be on a different level
What a good way to start 2021!!
I know it wont come to it (perhaps probably not🤣🤣🤣👌) but I wonder who’ll be his love interest (need not a all round harem as well🤣)….the blonde sisters are more or less already booked #spoiler_alert
Finally!! More new characters appearance especially UKYO and NIKKI
Ten billion percent happy
I think 10 people who don’t like it are people who hate science and physics
Dr stone is the best anime nothing can defeat it but i was wondering i cant speak japan which network is Dr stone season 2 going to go too pls reply to this comment and like if u like Dr stone
Better than jojo bizarre adventure now
Spoiler tsukasa just want to find his sister… Wkwkw lmao
Read the manga
Will it be English dubbed then? Or do we still have to wait longer for that?
Even if Tsukasa Wins that war Dr Zeno can easily kill them with advanced weapons
Can anyone tell me when will it release ?
13 days left
Omg finally
14 january is senku birthday right
so excited to watch senku
Bro I can’t wait any longer
Yes i excited to watch this anime
2021 Best aot ep Top grossing japan movie Most funny anime movie Dr stone new season A few new amazing anime 2021 probably will be amazing
2021年に大ヒットする日本の映画。 一番面白いアニメ映画。 ドクターストーンの新シリーズは新しい素晴らしいアニメの一つ。 2021年はきっとすごい年になるね。
If senku want to beat Tsukasa. I will help him. He only need to ask.
Why is this song remind me one of the boruto ops…
Who tf is down voting this?!
Get the notebook ready. Time to stuff my brain with science.
One of my favorite VA, Ono Kensho, will be voicing one of my favorite character. My life is complete
僕の好きな声優さん、小野 賢章さんが好きなキャラの一つの声をやることになった。僕の人生、完了した。
Guys can I ask, In the anime, did they included the easiest way to multiply three-digit-numbers that senku thought in manga? This anime/manga is the new way to learn cool stuffs. Specially when they acquire the bread in the future seasons..
Don’t know why after I saw and read the manga suddenly it animates in my mind then slowly reads it and animating thru my mind same with rent a girlfriend, after I read some chapter of it and the animated version came up In what in my mind the anime been animated was happens in my mind Now because of it I’m thinking to be a animator as a side job or for fun
the manga readers have been anticipating for the longest time
Science is beautiful.
I went through this as well and remember so vividly what i felt when i saw leaves well for the first time! This scene always gets to me because i relate to it so much…
For me it was “holy ****! Trees have branches and leaves?” Like going from 144p to 1080p
Words cannot describe how much I adore this show. It does such an amazing job showcasing the amazing accomplishments of humanity, even with absolutely minor things that we completely take for granted.
I hate when Reddit makes me cry in the morning.
inhale… Glasses are really versatile. First, you can have glasses-wearing girls take them off and suddenly become beautiful, or have girls wearing glasses flashing those cute grins, or have girls stealing the protagonist’s glasses and putting them on like, “Haha, got your glasses!’ That’s just way too cute! Also, boys with glasses! I really like when their glasses have that suspicious looking gleam, and it’s amazing how it can look really cool or just be a joke. I really like how it can fulfill all those abstract needs. Being able to switch up the styles and colors of glasses based on your mood is a lot of fun too! It’s actually so much fun! You have those half rim glasses, or the thick frame glasses, everything! It’s like you’re enjoying all these kinds of glasses at a buffet. I really want Luna to try some on or Marine to try some on to replace her eyepatch. We really need glasses to become a thing in hololive and start selling them for HoloComi. Don’t. You. Think. We. Really. Need. To. Officially. Give. Everyone. Glasses?
ふぅー…(大きく息を吸い込む) メガネはね、本当に万能なんです。まず、メガネをかけている女の子がメガネを外して急にキレイになったり、メガネっ娘がキュートな笑顔を見せたり、主人公のメガネを盗んで「あはは、メガネいただきっ!」みたいな感じでかけてみたり。まじで可愛すぎる!
The premise of the anime is: something happened where every human on earth turned to stone, 3700 years later, the main character breaks out of the stone and wants to figure what happened. But since 3700 years passed by, the main character needs to recreate everything from scratch to survive. He uses the power of science to survive and expand his “Kingdom of Science”.
Honestly 3700 years is a ridiculously long time, with all the inbreeding happening there’s no ****ing way that village somehow survived up till then. To me that’s the most unrealistic thing in the show.
I have played enough Minecraft to know where this is going
Can’t wait for season 2
Dr stone reminds me of princess bubblegum
This clip made me watch Dr. Stone, and I just got to this part, IT IS SO DAMN GOOD, thank you for posting.
Suika is the best Character in this show and you can’t change my mind
love this show. I literally learned most about science through this anime.
この作品好きだな。 僕は文字通りドクターストーンを通して科学について最もよく学んだよ。
I really loved Dr stone initially, because i was like, ‘This show GETS the mindset of people in STEM’ and a lot of the early stuff was at least plausible. But towards the end of the season he basically became magic science wizard man (how he escaped that one scene where he 100% should have been dead irked me a lot, it was cucumberbatch sherlock levels)
私、最初のうちは「ドクターストーンは理工数学系の人たちの物の見方を押さえている!」って思ってたし、最初のうちのエピソードは少なくとももっともらしい展開だったからDr.Stoneが本当に好きだったのよね。 でも、今期の終盤になってきたら彼はほとんど魔法科学の魔術師になっちゃった(彼が100%死んでいるはずの状況で難を逃れたシーンは「シャーロックのキュウリバッジ」レベルでかなり腹立たしかった)
The reasoning behind how he didn’t die has to do with the layer of stone covering everyone though, which was already science fiction to begin with.
This was the moment that made me fall in love with Dr Stone.
Dr Stone is definitely one of the most underrated animes of this year. Yes it came out last year but i think with quarentine it really helped it grow.
Started watching Dr. Stone today. I thought I wouldn’t like it because of the focus on chemistry, but I’m on the 8th episode so far and I’m loving it.
人気のアニメ『Dr.Stone』の第二期制作が決定! TOHO animation YouTube公式チャンネルでは、第2期制作決定スペシャル映像が公開中。千空、クロム、ゲンの3人の誓いの拳が交わされ、これから始まる決戦に向けて強い決意を見せています。 もちろんこの漫画、アニメファンもこの発表に黙ってはいません。
第1期が大人気だったために、第2期があるのは予想していた!だけどすごく嬉しい!とみんな大はしゃぎのようです。 それでは、たくさん集まったコメントの中の一部を紹介していきますので、みんなの喜びの声をのぞいてみましょう!
今から驚いたリアクションするね。 「オーマイガッ!第二期がくるなんて想像してなかった!この発表で度肝をつかれたよ!」 で、今から実際のリアクション。 「予想通りだったなw」
— TVアニメ「ヴィンランド・サガ」/「VINLAND SAGA」Official (@V_SAGA_ANIME) December 29, 2019
こちらもぜひお楽しみください!#VINLAND_SAGA pic.twitter.com/E3qFUbJUMb
第1話 海外の反応・感想
Senku keeps moving forward. Until he frees all seven billion people.
Recently, it seems everyone wants to deliver a declaration of war.
Looks like Senku managed to create anime already lol.
It is finally here, I loved this series i am so excited for the second season.
This is the sequel I was most excited for even out of AoT, ReZero and TPN, Beastars etc..I still can’t believe I was able to hold off on reading the manga to wait for the anime
I read until today’s episode but decided it’s best to wait for the amazing anime
Very intrigued by the tank in the ending
So we see Tsukasa-chan again, in the snow. I swear this one will probably also survive getting hit by a truck. Senku is probably faster than NASA when it comes to building something Ship?
雪の中で司ちゃんにまた会えるのね~。 たぶん私、トラックにひかれても生還できるって言いきれるわ。 千空が何かものを作り出すときって、たぶんNASAよりも速いよね。
I’m legit struggling watching all these shows this season
My sleep schedule is messed up because of this season.
I’m glad there was only minimal amout of recap and they reached space food with the 9 minute mark. The reaction faces are really funny and the old man super saiyan never gets old.
That was a nice little recap: it had best boy Gen telling the story and covered just enough to refresh the memory without overstaying its welcome. It’s nice to be back! Somehow, someway I survived the temptation of reading the manga between seasons. Season 1 was really good, up there with Kanata no Astra in the strong year that was 2019, so I’m looking forward to how this season’s gonna play out. In the transition from S1 to S2, I kinda forgot how absolutely hilarious some of the faces in this show are! Gen and Chrome have the funniest ones overall, but Ginrou’s imagination is a worthy competitor: take a look the shoujo Taiju & Yuzuriha LMAO So Senku wants to win the stone wars with a combination of cellphones, space food and fake news about America…oh boy, if this was any other series that would go all kinds of wrong. Can’t wait for Senku in a tank!
ちょっとした前回までのあらすじの要約があって良かった:あさぎりゲンがこれまでの話をしていて、ダラダラ話しつづけるんじゃなく、ちょうどいい感じに前回までのストーリーが思い起こされる感じで良かった! どういうわけか、マンガを読みたい衝動と今シーズンが放送されるのを待つ気持ちの狭間で戦ってたんだよね。シーズン1は本当に良くて、2019年は「彼方のアストラ」もあったから、今シーズンがどんな感じになるのか本当に楽しみ。 シーズン1からシーズン2が出るまでの間に、「Dr.Stone」の表情がめちゃくちゃ面白かったのを忘れかけてたわ!ゲンとクロムのはどれも面白すぎる。けど、銀狼の想像力も負けてないよね:少女漫画風の大樹と杠を見てみて。(爆笑) 千空は携帯電話と宇宙食とアメリカのフェイクニュースでこのストーンウォーズを勝ちたいんだね。ああ、もしこれが他のシリーズだったら上手くいかないんだろうなぁ。戦車に乗ってる千空が待ちきれない!
So great this show is back. Time to wage war and learn science at the same time :D. Always love seeing what seemingly unrelated yet eventually super related inventions Senku keeps adding to the effort. Also here’s hoping for a Homura v Kohaku battle sometime this season.
ドクターストーンが戻ってきてくれてめっちゃ嬉しい。戦いをしかけるタイミングとか科学を同時に学べるよね(笑) 一見まったく関係なさそうなものなのに、千空が色々と尽力していくことで、すごい発明品になったりするから、それを見るのが毎回楽しくて大好き。 あと、ほむらとコハクの戦いがこのシーズンでも時々見れたらいいなぁ。
This episode was a blast! Kaseki got yet another laugh out of me with his clothes bursting. The idea of instant noodles in the Stone Age is awesome too, I had no idea they were that simple (in terms of complication, not actually doing it). The sonic bombs too, so clever yet simple. This is off to a great start!
That was a really good first ep back. The new OP bangs man. Got a really unique vibe to it. Wasn’t a huge fan of this arc in the manga, but I’m sure the studio will do a great job of bringing it to life. Looking forward to how it goes. Def missed Kohaku, Senku and co
ほんとに面白いエピソード1だった。新しいオープニングにいた前髪の男、相当変わった雰囲気だったな。 マンガでは「Dr.Stone」がめちゃくちゃ好きってわけでは無かったけど、絶対に製作会社がすごくいい仕事をすると思う。この先どうなるかが楽しみ。コハクも千空も早く見たい。
Just to let you guys now, first half of the episode with space food is anime original, but it’s pretty good. Overall this episode only adapts 1 chapter and like 2 pages. We might expect more anime original scenes considering it’s only a single cour season and stone wars arc isn’t that long.
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第2話 海外の反応・感想
Yay Mecha Senku! Oh man I love this anime so much. Never fails to make me smile and give me warm feelings.
やったー、メカ千空! ああ、「Dr.Stone」本当に大好き。毎回必ず笑顔にも暖かい気持ちにもしてくれる。
Is it possible to really end this in 11 episodes? The more I think about it, the Stone “Wars” isn’t really some war arc, but more like a… skirmish?
The end was heart warming. Senku was so relieved
I almost cried with Taiju. The (voice) reunion we have waited years for has finally happened!
You can tell Taiju’s a good character because of how emotionally invested everybody in this post is about his and Senku’s relationship despite him only being in the beginning episodes of the first season.
That camera work showing Kohaku coming around the trunk with the sword was brilliant. I’m looking forward to more action if they’re going to pull it off like that. Also Senku just casually whipping out UV lights and flash bangs is pretty funny, especially since we haven’t seen him build any of them.
It has been such a long time since the last time I saw Mecha Senku.
Senku forgot he invested all his skill points into Intelligence, leaving none left for Strength. He was no match for Homura’s high Agility. It’s impressive how Homura was able to learn everybody’s name so quickly. If she had a Death Note, they would all be screwed. It’s been such a long time, it’s good to finally see their face again…Mecha Senku is back!
ホムラがみんなの名前をすぐに覚えれてたのには驚いた。もし彼女がデスノートをもってたら、みんなやられちゃってるね。 かなり久しぶりにみんなの顔がまた見れて良かった…メカ千空も戻ったね!
Been waiting ages to see my baby Homura animated and she looked great today. The chase with she and Kohaku was exhilarating. Then that touching phone call between Taiju and Senku at the end.. that was awesome. Stone wars is about to really pick up in the next few eps, hype.
僕のホムラがアニメ化するのを待ってたし、彼女すごく素敵だったね。彼女とコハクの追跡劇は爽快だった。 最後の感動的な大樹と千空の電話…あれはかなり素晴らしかった。ストーンウォーズは次の数エピソードの誇大広告で好転しようとしてるね。
Homura and Kohaku swinging through the trees actually reminded me of Assassin’s Creed 3 lol. Senku is way too smart for his own good but sadly he’s so **** in physical activities and even Homura managed to knock him down lol.
ホムラとコハクが木の間でやり合うところで、アサシンクリード3を思い出したよ(笑) 千空はかなり賢いけど、悲しいことにホムラですら彼をノックダウンできるくらい運動神経はクソだね。(笑)
This episode was more like waifu wars than stone wars lol Glad the see the old crew back, and good to know that more Tsukasa members have superhuman abilities, this helps a lot because Senku team is Overpowered with technology I really liked this episode especially everything with Homura, let’s see what they are going to do with her
この回はストーンウォーズというよりワイフウォーズって感じだったね。 昔の仲間が戻ってきてくれて嬉しいし、司の仲間が超人的な能力を持ってるのを知れて良かった。千空チームが科学の力で圧倒してるから、彼らがこれから役立ちそうだね。 このエピソードの特にホムラのところが全部好き、彼らがこれから彼女とどうしていくのか見てみよう。
Finally the old crew is back. Loved the episode
I love the sound design in this show That was also really heartwarming to see Senku actually get a little emotional since he’s usually quite calm and collected
この話のBGM大好き。 千空はいつも冷静で落ち着いているから、彼が少し感情的になったところを見れたのがとても心温まった。
Senku getting emotional over his friends is reliably heartwarming. Homura is definitely the next convert since they saved her from dying right?
This ep was great! A little confused though, why does thier army think Senku is dead if he has already been spotted by thier scout?
Senku and Gen are such an insane duo. Geniuses in their own respects. Add in Chrome, and a bunch of people who are good at obeying orders, and they’re a solid team. Add gadgets in, and they like the stone age Batmen! xD
I teared up a little at the end when senkuu and taiju answered the phone together. This is definitely my top 10 anime. I love how senkuu is OP but not the type of OP we are familiar with, brains over brawns! I mean he made a ****ing black light and a flare grenade, like wtf?! Im almost tempted to just forget about it airing so the episode can build up and i can binge without waiting every week.
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第3話 死者からの電話
第3話 海外の反応・感想
Nikki hearing Lillian’s music again hit me in the feels. Imagine living in that world with Tsukasa’s group who are living like cavemen, then all the sudden there is a phone and someone is playing your favorite song over it. She never would have heard that music again by continuing along Tsukasa’s path. Now because of Senku’s ingenuity, and his dad’s plan, something that meant the world to her is available to her again. These kind of moments are really where Dr Stone shines.
ニッキーがリリアンの音楽をまた聴いているところに感動した。 あの世界で野蛮な男たちの集団、司軍と生活していたら、突然電話があって誰かか自分の好きな歌を歌っていたんだよね。 ニッキーは司の生き方に従って生きていっていたら、あの音楽をもう二度と聴くことはなかっただろうな。千空の発明品とお父さんの計画のおかげで、ニッキーはこの世界で彼女にとっての意味がある何かを、また見つけることができたね。 こういう感じの瞬間が本当にDr.stoneの素晴らしいところだよね。
One year has passed and Yuzuriha still has short hair so she probably likes how it looks or it’s more practical in this world. I was hoping she would have grown it back out. Senku being able to correctly guess Lillian’s measurements means not only is he a genius but he also has a photographic memory.
1年がたった今でも杠はショートヘアなんだね。この感じが好きなのか、もしくは、この世界ではこれが実用的なんだろうね。前みたいに髪伸ばして欲しかったけどなぁ。 リリアンのサイズが正確に当てられる千空は、天才なだけじゃなくて、写真も記憶してるんだね。
I get it, I get it now. So this is what they mean when talking about waifus. I finally found it, my waifu. Look a that figure, just look at that raw power, that passion, that wit to realize it couldn’t possibly be true that her idol was just a the other side of the phone, her sentiment, her understanding of the Kingdom of Science being the best thing for humanity now. But most importantly… LOOK AT THAT SMILE! I will fightfor that smile or face my thalassophobia for that smile. I’m so glad Nikki is joining Senku.
分かった、今分かったぞ。これがみんなが’’ワイフ’’って言ってる意味なんだね。やっと俺の’’ワイフ’’見つけたわ。 あの姿、実力、情熱、電話の向こうにいるのは彼女の好きなアイドルのはずがないと気付ける知力、感情、人類にとって科学王国が今一番良いことだと理解できるところを見て。でも、一番大事なのは…あの笑顔!あの笑顔のためなら戦えるし、あの笑顔のためなら自分の海洋恐怖症にだって立ち向かうよ。 ニッキーが千空の方に加わってくれて本当にうれしい。
Magma wants to use Chrome to become All Might 😭😭
“I might fall in love with you” “No, Seriously don’t” Well just give up Nikki, Senku’s One True Waifu is Science itself. He even divorced his previous wife lol. Nikki is definitely an interesting character and smart enough to not fall for Senku and Gen’s scheme (as expected of a super-fan) and also strong asf. Kingdom of Science has gotten a strong new member now. Chrome shouldn’t be underestimated. He might be a hilarious guy but he is also smart asf and has some brilliant ideas, so basically Senku-lite.
「ちょっとホレそうだよ。」 「それは、マジでやめろ~」 ニッキー諦めて~、千空の真のワイフは科学だけだから。彼は前の奥さんとも別れてるから(笑) ニッキーはほんと面白いキャラクターだね、千空とゲンの悪だくみに引っかからないくらい賢い(さすがはスーパーファン)し、かなり強い。科学王国は強い新しい仲間が加わったね。 クロムは見くびらない方が良いね。彼はとても面白い人かもしれないけど、かなり賢くもあるし、素晴らしいアイディアも良く浮かぶ。つまりは軽い千空。
Lillian’s song is still beautiful
I’m actually happy their plan didn’t work but yeah Gen pointing out Senku’s luck with having a super fan was on the money. Curious to see who’s up next…hopefully they also don’t fall into the Senku harem.
彼らの計画が成功しなくて本当に良かったと思ってるけど、ゲンのスーパーファンを引き当てる千空の運の悪さを指摘するところはいかにもだったね。 次は誰が登場するのか気になる…千空ハーレムに陥らないといいなぁ。
This episode was so hype. Glad that Senku got an ally through science rather than through lies. Also Yuzurihas faces this episode were amazing
このエピソード、かなり興奮した。千空が嘘の上でじゃなく、科学を通して同盟を結べて良かった。 それに、このエピソードの杠の顔も素晴らしかった。
So nice to see Taiju and Yuzuriha again. No one asking for Chrome and Magma back home tho… poor guys.
I’m probably gonna regret saying this here, but as a butch lesbian I jumped with joy seeing Nikki address herself as butch too, that was awesome. As for the episode in general, what an amazing one it was! I really shouldn’t have had any worries they’d get Nikki to join them, but it really seemed like one wrong answer could’ve ****ed it all up. Turns out all it took was a song to convince her! I can’t wait for what happens next
これを言うと後悔しそうだけど、レズの男役として、ニッキーも自分のことを男役って呼んでてテンション上がった、あれはかなり良かった。 話の内容については、すごい良い回だった!ニッキーが彼らの仲間になることを心配する必要なかったけど、ちょっとでも間違った答えをしてたら、めちゃくちゃなことになってた感じだね。彼女を説得するには歌がすべてだったんだね!次何が起こるのか、待ちきれない
When I first heard their plan of tricking people, I thought it was a little silly but man did I actually feel bad for Nikki when she started to believe it😂. I’m glad she actually realised it wasn’t real but I didn’t expect her to join the forces in that way. What an amazing episode!
最初に人をだます計画を聞いたとき、ちょっとバカっぽいなって思ったけど、実際にやって、ニッキーが信じ始めたときは気の毒だったわ(笑) 本当のことじゃないって彼女が気付いて嬉しかったけど、あんな形で千空側につくとは予想外だった。素晴らしいエピソードだね!
I’m really starting to see how Senku might win this war now. Who would want to be on the side that plans to wipe music off the face of the planet? Although I imagine Tsukasa is authoritarian enough that it’ll take more than that to flip everyone to Senku’s side.
千空がこの戦いにどうやって勝つのか分かり始めてきた。誰が音楽の無い世界の方に居たいと思う? だけど、司はかなりの独裁主義者だから、みんなを千空側につけるにはかなりの時間がかかると思うな。
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第4話 全軍出撃
第4話 海外の反応・感想
I’m surprised the terrain is good enough for the primitive car. Also are they just going to leave their scout by herself in jail? lol
あの地形が原始的な車に向いているのがビックリ。 彼らはあの偵察隊を一人で牢屋に入れておくつもりなのかな?(笑)
Tsukasa’s “Return to Monke” philosophy can’t be that compelling if the loyalty of his followers is so easily wavered. I don’t think that’s how arrows work especially in a show about science. Maybe the power of the Tsukasa empire allows them to ignore the basic laws of physics. I like how Chrome is just as big of a simp for science as Senku is. I remember how people were comparing the main character of Appare-Ranman! to Senku when it first came out and now it looks like we’ve come full circle. I like how we think Senku is going to come up with some kind of intricate plan involving espionage, igniting an uprising to turn Tsukasa’s followers against him, and guerilla warfare…and then he just decides to try and run Tsukasa over. Steam locomotive go brrr
司の「元祖に戻る」という哲学は手下の忠誠心が簡単に揺れるようなら、説得力のあるものではないってことだね。 科学についての話で、あの矢の動き方は違うと思った。たぶん司軍の力は、物理の基本原理を無視しているんだね。 クロムの千空と同じくらい、かなりの科学バカなところが好きだな。 最初に登場したとき、天晴爛漫!の主人公と千空をみんなが比較していたと思うんだけど、今また一周回ってきた感じするね。 スパイ作戦、司の手下が司に反発するように仕向けること、ゲリラ戦とか、千空が考え付くちょっと入り組んだ計画を考えるのが好きだな…そして、彼はこれから司を車でひこうとしているんだね。蒸気機関車ブルブル行くぞ~
Tsukasa’s not wrong. Senku’s inventions totally could turn into awful weapons that can kill magnitudes of people more quickly. Hell, even forging katanas gave the Science Kingdom a huge leg up last season. The difference is that Tsukasa wants to make this arms race literally about who has the beefiest arms, instead of try to out-science Senku.
司は間違ってない。千空の発明品は本当により早く大勢の人を殺すことができる恐ろしい兵器になるよ。くそ、昨シーズンの刀を鍛造するのも科学王国に大きな手助けになってたな。 違いは、司がこの武器競争を千空の科学なしの代わりに誰が最強の武器を持っているか示したいってこと。
I love the representations they make whenever they build something. Gen and Kohaku with the industrial revolution style were classy as hell. I guess Nikki was talking about Ukyo when she said there were people that didnt agred with Tsukasa. It felt off that he wasnt killing them whenever they were talking so this can excuse him. Can someone stop the steam engine though? It’s pretty far away lol
彼らが何か作るときの表現が大好き。 産業革命バージョンのゲンとコハクがものすごくお洒落。 ニッキーが司に賛同していない奴らがいるって言ってたけど、あれは羽京のことを言ってたんじゃないかな。彼らが話してるときに彼らを殺さなかったのがおかしく感じたけど、これが理由だろうね。 誰か蒸気機関車止めれない?遠すぎでしょ(笑)
Gonna admit the main reason why I watch this show, more so than all the science stuff, is simply that Senku is just One. Cool. Dude. The way he handles everything and everyone without ever getting flustered or that he is never out of his depth in any situation and solidly takes control is just so entertaining to watch. Yūsuke Kobayashi has done a phenomenal job with the character. His voice acting for both Senku and Subaru has just been so good to see and has made him one of my favorite VAs. Fun fact: he also voiced that side-dude who was banging Minagawa sensei in Scum’s Wish ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
僕がドクターストーンを見ようと思った大きな理由は、色々な科学的なものよりももっと、単純に千空がいたから。カッコイイわ。 彼の色々な問題やみんなに対して動揺しずに解決していく感じや、どんな状況でも彼の理解が及ばないことはなく、しっかりとコントロールする感じは、ただただ見るのが楽しくなるね。 小林裕介はこのキャラで驚異的な仕事をしてくれたね。彼の千空とスバルの吹き替えはとても良くて、僕のお気に入りの声優さんの一人になったよ。 おもしろい事実:彼はクズの本懐でみながわ先生を叩いてた男の子の声もやってたんだよ~笑
Putting a license plate on the only car in the world is such an extra thing to do, I love it!!
“This is chrome we’re talking about” lmao. I love Kohaku so much. Shoutout to chrome for standing tall in the face of adversity and not divulging any secrets. Really good setup episode, great adaptation.
’’クロムだぞ。’’って、爆笑。コハク大好き。 逆境に直面しても、秘密を洩らさないクロムにエールを送りたい。本当に良い設定のエピソードだったし、脚色も素晴らしい。
I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of Kaseki and Senku’s interactions.
Chrome is best boy. Goes at Tsukasa immediately, calmly tells his enemies to drop him as he hangs over a cliff, and serenely accepts his oncoming death. What a boss. And an idiot lol Ukyo is our next convert right? As a sonar tech this dude definitely would be on the side of science
クロムは最高だよ。すぐに司のところに行って、敵に崖からぶら下げられながらも、落ち着いて自分を落とせと言って、静かに迫りくる死を受け入れているなんて。なんて奴だ。そして、バカだな(笑) 羽京が次の転向者だよね?このソーナー技術者は完全に科学側にいる人間だよ。
I dont know how to say this but something seems ironic when tsukasa talks about how he mainly hates only the weapons made from science in almost the same scene in which they use bow and arrow.
Ukyo has the cutest voice damn i thought he was an evil one
Chrome’s mistake felt really realistic in character. There’s no way he can comprehend that all that amazing outlandish stuff he’s seen and heard about is absolutely mundane for most of the people before him.
Other than plot armor, I’m curious about why Tsukasa decided to spare Chrome. We were shown that he is ruthless in season 1, even going so far to destroy adult’s statue without any remorse. Maybe it’s to make Chrome a hostage? Also, now it’s kind of obvious to everyone that Senku is still alive, right? Taiju and Yuzuriha’s visit to the grave would be very suspicious for Tsukasa’s empire.
構想以外に、司がなんでクロムを助けようと決めたのかが気になる。僕らはシーズン1で彼がなんの迷いもなく、遠方まで出向いて大人の石像を壊す冷酷なところを見せられたよね。 クロムを人質にするってことかな? それに、千空がまだ生きてることは、みんなに明白って感じだよね?大樹と杠のお墓参りは司帝国にとって、かなり疑わしい行動だね。
Good episode, with some good plot progression. But how the hell would Tsukasa have possibly known that Ukyo was a submarine sonar operator? I get recognizing Gen because he was a celebrity, but I don’t really see Ukyo being a person he would recognize as anyone of note he needs to wake up.
翻訳元 reddit
第5話 海外の反応・感想
My man built a tank in the freaking stone age when it took humanity centuries to create the wheel lol.
At this rate dr stone might not hit even 3000 karma.its criminally underwatched even though all the recent episodes are atleast an 8/10. Now a days only darker anime are liked, we also need to give sometime to light hearted animes Edit:dr stone karma seems to be doing much better for this episode, hopefully it will it hit 5000 karma.The TANK is hype ,would like to see the tank vs tsukasa.also chrome is suprising me so much this season.
この調子だと、Dr.stoneの評価は3000カルマにもいかないかもしれないね。最近の全エピソードの評価は少なくとも8/10だけど、犯罪行為に等しいくらい見られてるね。 最近は暗いアニメが好まれているけど、明るく楽しいアニメもたまには必要だよね。 編集:Dr.stoneはこのエピソードでかなり良くなってるような感じするね。5000カルマはいって欲しいなぁ。あの戦車かっこいいし、戦車と司の戦いが見たいな。それに、今シーズンはクロムにかなり驚かされてる。
That was very smart of Tsukasa
I call 10 billion percent bull**** on that one, though shonen characters are usually really good at predicting exactly what the opponent is going to do so I’ll allow it
He definitely is one of the smartest characters out there, even if he may not be at Senku’s level.
Magma trying to overpower the steam engine and then getting blown away was hilarious asf. Steam Gorillla huh, well I’d call it Steam MONKE instead. I’m excited to see how Chrome will escape from his situation and help Senku & Co. He shouldn’t be underestimated. He’s got a lot of innovative ideas after all.
マグマが蒸気機関車を抑え込もうとして吹き飛ばされたのはめちゃくちゃ笑った。 スチームゴリラね、うーん、僕は代わりにスチーム’’サル’’って呼ぼうかな。 クロムがどうやってあの状況から脱出して千空たちを助けるのか、とても楽しみ。彼を見くびらない方がいい。なんだかんだ彼は革新的なアイディアをいっぱい持ってるからね。
the opening never gets old. my favourite from this season
It was really thoughtful of Senku to build the Steam Gorilla for the sake of the elderly because he knows just how much Tsukasa hates old people. Senku’s solution to freeing Chrome is to use the the Steam Gorilla as a battering ram. So I guess you could say Chrome is making him install additional RAM. Dr. Stoned Magma didn’t stand a chance against the Steam Gorilla but here’s how I assume Tsukasa will handle it.
お年寄りのためにスチームゴリラを作るなんて、千空は本当に思いやりがある。司がどれだけお年寄りのことが嫌いか、千空は知ってるからね。 千空のクロム救出作戦は、スチームゴリラ号を檻突破に使うってことか。だから、クロムは追加で代わりのものを作ろうとしてるのね。 マグマはスチームゴリラ号に勝ち目がなかったけど、司は何とかしちゃうと思うんだよね。
The men going mental for the car and the ladies being just it’s cool but calm down made me laugh.
Aww man. The show is still super fun but I kind of miss the small progress towards building something greater. Like with the medicine.
Gen has a license! Made me laugh out loud.
The animation with Gen driving the car reminds me of Doraemon-style animation. Nice and comical. The licence plate changed to #2 already too, wut. Also like how they spend time CARVING OUT AN APE for the car each time.
ゲンが車を運転してるところがドラえもんみたいだなって思った。素敵だし、面白い。ナンバープレートがもう#2に変わってたね。 それに、毎回みんながどんな感じでゴリラを彫ってるのかなって考えるが好きだな。
Good to see Tsukasa employing some counter measures based on what he knows about Senku. Make things more interesting. Also the return of great detective Suika!
司が千空のことを知った上で、対抗策を考えてるところが見れて良い。話がもっと面白くなってくる。 それと、名探偵スイカが戻って来たね!
So how did they stop the steam engine after it knocked Magma away? Man, all the old people are so tiny. And they’re what, like 50-60 at the very oldest? Hyoga’s voice is the one voice in the show that I don’t think fits the character. Paper shield… Senku is a moron for testing the shield that way. How the hell would that make a metal spear tip crumble? Did Senku enchant the shield with “Weapon Break” when no-one was looking?
で、マグマを吹き飛ばしたあとの蒸気機関車をみんなはどうやって止めたの? おお、お年寄り全員とっても小さいね。それに、彼らは何?1番歳いってても50〜60歳なの? 氷月の声だけ、「Dr.Stone」の中で唯一キャラクターと合ってないなって思う。 紙の盾ね… 千空はあんな方法で盾の性能チェックするなんてバカだなぁ。 一体全体どうやって、あの槍を粉々に砕いたの?千空は誰も見てないうちに、あの盾に”武器粉砕”の魔法でもかけたの?
This show has a real problem with characters stating the obvious. Case in point, when senku gets the idea for improving the Gorilla. What does the audience gain by having both Kohaku and Suika comment that he looks mischievous, when it’s very obvious that’s what the scene was trying to imply anyways. We’ve seen that look before, we know what it means. Like I understand this show errs on the younger demographic, but there’s a difference between characters making observations and the writers thinking the audience is stupid.
翻訳元 reddit
第6話 海外の反応・感想
One thing I absolutely adore about this show is how it treats the side-characters. Senku is the genius protagonist, but every person in his team is just as good in their own field. Chrome might actually be smarter than Senku, he just didn’t have the scientific background and upbringing. But the fact that the author actually makes Chrome break out himself using his own strengths instead of relying on the old “rescue arc” trope is just so refreshing to see.
「ドクターストーン」で私が大好きなのは、わき役達の扱われ方。 千空は天才主人公だけど、彼の仲間の一人一人も自分の分野でそれぞれが秀でている。クロムはもしかしたら千空よりも賢いかもしれないね、彼はただ単に今まで科学に触れる機会がなかっただけだし。でも、実際に作者はクロムを少年漫画でよくある、連れ去られた奴を仲間が助けに行くという筋書き「レスキューアーク」に頼らせず、代わりに自力で脱出させるってことをしてて、それが見ていて新鮮。
Attaboy Chrome! As “strong” as Senku is it always feels nice to see side characters get their chance to shine. Also happy this wasn’t also part of Tsukasa’s plan.
よくやった、クロム!千空と同じくらい「強く」、わき役達が活躍するところが見ていて気持ちいいね。 それに、これが司の計画に無いってところも嬉しい。
Never underestimate Scientist Chrome, he’s just as smart as Senku. Now that Chrome is back, everyone will know about Tsukasa’s plan to trap them so I’m curious how they would move forward with the plan. Yo’s also in a whole lot of trouble since Tsukasa might not be too happy with him. Chrome only shattered his eggs….Tsukasa might just rip them away XD.
科学者クロムを絶対に見くびっちゃいけない、彼は千空と同じくらい賢いよ。ついにクロムが戻ってきて、みんなは司の計画が罠だったのを知ることになるね、そしてそれを知ってどうやってこの先みんなが動いていくのかが気になるところ。 司は陽のしたことに満足しないだろうから、陽もかなりのトラブルに巻き込まれてるね。クロムは彼の卵を粉々にしただけだけど、司はそれをはぎ取るだろうね(笑)
You know it’s really a shame that this show is airing during such a stacked season. Dr stone is proving to be an absolute banger of a show and I’d love to see more people discussing it
Even in a stone world, people run from the cops
Chrome seems extra thankful for Yuzuriha. Wasn’t expecting Chrome to be faking Pneumonia. I thought he bit his hand to activate his Titan transformation at first. Chrome prioritized Yo’s Wonder Eggs for maximum damage. A bastard like Yo didn’t need to reproduce anyways.
クロムはなんだか杠に違うことまで感謝してるみたいだね。 クロムがウソの肺炎を装うなんて思ってもみなかったな。最初、彼が自分の手を噛んで巨人にでも変形するのかと思ったよ。 クロムは最大ダメージを与えるのに陽の大事なところに目をつけたんだね。とにかく陽みたいなろくでなしは生殖する必要はなかったんだよ。
Alternate title for this episode: Ape Escape But it’s good that Chrome figured that it wouldn’t do him good to try to think like Senku on how to escape. Chrome started thinking like Chrome on how to escape. And with the help of a few mentalist tricks he picked up from Gen. As for mister crooked cop Yo I imagine that Tsukasa isn’t gonna be too thrilled that he allowed his prisoner to escape. But I have a sneaking suspicion that Tsukasa would have a backup plan up his sleeve. Just a hunch.
このエピソードの別名:サルの脱出 でも、クロムが脱出の仕方を千空が考えるみたいにするのは良くないなって思ったのは良かったよね。クロムはクロムのやり方で脱出方法を考え始めてたね。そして、ゲンから学んだメンタリストの手口もいくつか活用してたね。 ひねくれ者の警察官、陽については、司は捕虜が逃げたのを見逃したことにワクワク興奮することはないと思うな。でも、司が袖の下にバックアッププランを隠してるんじゃないかなって薄々感じてるよ。ただの勘だけどね。
I like how Chrome used everything he ever learnt not only from Senku but also from Gen and from his training, but also from his previous experience to break out. Very entertaining episode.
It’s really great that Chrome learned from all the things that he experienced, even from the archer. Btw, I think it’s the archer that gave him the battery. I’m not sure that Yuzuriha and Taiju could steal the battery.
クロムが今までの自分の経験から学んでいるのが凄いね。敵の射手からさえも学んでるね。 それにしても、クロムに電池を渡したのはあの射手じゃないかな。杠とか大樹は電池を盗むことができるとは思えないんだよね。
Now this is the kind of Dr. Stone I fell in love with. Using limited resources creatively like that is whats so awesome about this show. Chrome got his a true bad ass moment here.
the op and ed is so catchy. Chrome is bad ass ! i wonder what he could “”discover”” on his own without much Senku’s help since I gather he really is a genius despite being ehem primitive
オープニングもエンディングもとても耳に残る音楽だね。 クロムはかなりスゴイね!クロムは原始人にもかかわらず本当に天才だなと思ってたから、千空の助け無しに自力で何を「発見」できるのかなって思ってたよ。
I like the comedy part of this anime, but sometimes I wonder how great this anime would be if it was more serious. I swear, half of this episode was taken up by comic relief. Still like this anime though!
翻訳元 reddit
第7話 極秘のミッション
第7話 海外の反応・感想
Yuzuriha literally putting the broken humans back together is insane. I could not imagine how time consuming that is. Episode MVP forsure.
Now all we need is steam gorilla vs kohaku and we will finally know who is the ultimate gorilla
She must have been big fan of Legos lol
I’m really really glad they chose to have Tsukasa completely ignorant of the phone. They have so far depicted him as completely intractable. I was worried that they were going to keep up his “”super cool guy who knows everything”” persona until the bitter end.
Ukyo’s scene was so great. And now the battle will finally begin.
He might be the villain, but Tsukasa is a really good person for his allies. He didn’t even doubt Yo’s death and wholeheartedly mourned his “”death””. I guess that’s one of the reason he can be this charismatic. He truly cares about his allies. I really thought that he would throw a tantrum or at least angry a bit when he knew Chrome escaped. Also, this episode cleared my own doubt about Ukyo. I thought he has a secret plan before. Turns out his heart is just so pure. I believe that most of Tsukasa’s henchmen also follow him just because they don’t know the alternatives (science kingdom) exists. I’m looking forward when they reveal that the America story is a lie.
司は悪役なんだろうけど、仲間には本当に良い奴なんだな。陽の死も疑うことさえしていなかったし、心から彼の「死」を悼んでいたね。それが彼がカリスマ性があると言われる理由の一つなんだと思う。本当に仲間のことを気にかけているもんね。 クロムが逃げ出したと知ったとき、彼はかんしゃくを起こすか、少なくともちょっとは怒るんじゃないかなって思ってたんだよね。 それに、このエピソードで羽京についての疑いが晴れたよ。前は彼には秘密の計画があるんじゃないかって思ってたんだよね。彼はただ心がとてもキレイなだけなんだって分かったよ。司の部下たちのほとんども、ただ単に他の選択肢(科学王国)があるなんて知らないから、司に従ってるだけなんだと思うよ。 アメリカ話が嘘だって暴露するときが楽しみだなぁ。
Couldn’t help but feel a little bit when Taiju and Yuzuriha reunited with Senku in person.
Man I love broken English in anime, it’d probably seem so serious from the pov of someone who doesn’t know English but to us it kinda breaks the seriousness and just makes everything funny
Not sure how they will succeed without killing anyone. Talk no Jujutsu ? It’s weird how some battle shounen keeps emphasizing that point.
So hyped for next episode This episode gave me the feeling that they may beat Tsukasa or whatever but Hyouga is gonna end up being the bigger antagonist…
次のエピソードが楽しみ。 このエピソードでは、司を倒すか何か起こるだろうなって感じたけど、最終的に氷月はかなりの敵対者になるんだろうね。
I appreciate more insight into Tsukasa’s character. Although his ideals are twisted in the sense that he’s going around breaking statues, he really does seem to care about the feelings of his comrades Atleast this episode showed that we might be able to rebuild those who are broken so all is not lost!
I love Ukyo so much.
**** just don’t stop Yuzuriha putting the stone bodies back and Okyo being that one whose not cool with them being broken (ofc it’s literally random killing). But Tsukasa’s face looking at the orange phone with SENKU on it actual perfection.
ああ、杠が石像を元に戻してるのを止めないで。羽京は石像が壊れているが大丈夫だと思っていない人の一人なんだね。(もちろん、あれは文字通り無差別殺人だよね。) でも、司がSENKUって書かれたオレンジの電話を見た時の顔は完璧だった。
It was pretty obvious that it was Ukyo that was helping them, but I wasn’t expecting his backstory to be that he is a cinnamon roll too pure for this world. Now I’m invested in this character as well!
I knew it that Yuzuriha was piecing together the statues! I had this theory after rewatching S1, so it’s nice to see that I got that right! Ukyo is so nice! He just wants no one to die, which seems to be motivated by some kind of past trauma… I just want to know what gauge that wire is such that it could survive being ripped from the ground by Tsukasa. And you know what they say about eye shots of anime characters…
杠が石像を元に戻してたことなんか知ってたぞ!シーズン1を見返したあとにこの持論を持ってたから、正しかったんだって分かって良かった! 羽京はかなり素敵!彼はただ誰にも死んで欲しくないんだね、過去に何らかのトラウマがあってそうなってる感じだね。 司に地面から引きちぎられたワイヤーがどのゲージのものなのか、知りたいな。それに、アニメキャラの視界について何か言ってたよね…
翻訳元 reddit
第8話 海外の反応・感想
What an episode. Had a little bit of everything that makes Dr. Stone great. The strategy, tension between the two factions and the action. Looking forward to the final few episodes! Great job bringing the arc to life so far.
Ukyo being taken down first probably nulls the no killing clause he made with Senku right? It’s already hard to believe not a single person besides Ukyo died this episode. Unless Senku can create plot armor using science, I’m going to have to really suspend my disbelief if nobody dies next episode considering both Tsukasa and Hyouga are here.
It was extremely satisfying to see the long term plan that Senku, Tajiu, and Yuzuriha put together regarding the cave of miracles finally be accomplished.
I was expecting some people to switch back sides after finding out Lillian Weinberg thing was a hoax. I then expected people to switch to Senku’s side when they found out he can make Cola.
I love how Ukyo gets stabbed at the beginning and is lying on the ground bleeding out then everyone straight up ignores him to make their big grand speeches. F in the chat for our boy
The keys to defeat Tsukasa ? The power of science, the power of friendship, and the power of Taiju yelling really loudly in a copper satellite dish.
There’s no way the next episode isn’t a bloodbath
The sequence of Senku and his team attacking Tsukasa’s forces happening in only the span of 20 seconds reminds me of Hunter x Hunter
People were fighting for gold, diamonds, natural resources. Now we’ve seen people fighting for bat’s ****.
20 seconds my ass. I can’t even lace my shoes in 20 seconds but they tied all the guys in just 7. Damn, even Jack Bauer couldn’t do it faster. More please.
So everyone just ignored the fact that Ukyo was down with a spear injury? Didn’t even check to see if he was still alive
I wonder if that sonic boom is part of the reason why Ukyo was so surprised when Tsukasa got that close, I regret using headphones this episode.
Why didn’t Tsukasa set up his encampment around the bat **** cave? What tactical advantage expept the cool factor does his current base have? The high ground?
That was probably the best episode so far! But did anyone else find it strange that literally everyone just ignored Ukyo dying on the floor?
I’m surprised Senkuu hasn’t mentioned the use of nitric acid for fertilizer. Increasing crop yield would dramatically improve their lives and have a huge impact on the ability to sustain a people.
I can’t believe literally no one cared that Ukyo just got stabbed. He was my fav character just from last episode and then doesn’t even get a word of thanks for throwing himself in the way of that spear
Well that was quite the exhilarating 20 second battle. But even more surprising than the sound wave cannon coming into play was Taiju demonstrating his hidden second superpower. But as was expected, something ultimately went wrong. Still, the Kingdom of Science made one impressive inspirational speech. Can’t wait to see how this movie reminiscent final showdown is gonna conclude.
うーん、あれはかなりスカッとするような20秒バトルだったね。だけど、音波砲よりも驚いたのは、大樹の隠れた第2のスーパーパワーが明らかになったこと。 でも、予想通り、最終的に上手くいかなかったね。それでもやっぱり科学王国は素晴らしく心が動かされるような話をしてくれたね。この映画が、どんな感じで最後の決着の場を完結させるのか見るのが待ちきれない。
Okay, after simulcasting season 1 and this season. I came to realize or I may have just forgotten the explanation, is this only the cave that have bats? Could they just scout other caves for nitric acid deposits? If they were able to find tungsten, a bat cave is not impossible to find I think. Enlighten me on this one.
さて、シーズン1と今回のシーズンの同時放送のあと。僕が気付いたのか、説明を忘れていただけなのか分からないけど、コウモリがいるのはこの洞窟だけなの?硝酸がある他の洞窟は探し回ったりしないの?彼らはタングステンを発見できたのなら、コウモリの洞窟だって不可能じゃないと僕は思うんだよね。 これについて僕に教えて。
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第9話 壊すもの救うもの
第9話 海外の反応・感想
i think there’s should be an explanation on how the hell would that paper plane with chemical creates an explosion? or it’s already been explained on other episodes?
Well, I went in expecting a full on clash(brains vs brawns) tho, this ending was nice too. Let’s see how this goes forward tho. Also, holy ****, they made paper dynamite bombs(pun intended)
I can forgive nobody dying and the little sister plotline coming out of nowhere but what I can’t forgive is them changing Tsukasa’s outfit. Dude unironically had the best drip in the entire show and now he looks like a generic side character. It’s literally “”the boss when you fight him, the boss when he joins your party”” meme.
Anyone else feel that resolution was a bit anticlimactic?
It’s nice to know that underneath that badass no one can beat me exterior, Tsukasa is an older brother who has worked his ass off to protect his little sister.
I’d be perfectly fine with no antagonist anymore and just them creating new things for the rest of the series. Of course that’s not gonna happens since Hyoga is still around, though…
I’m definitely suspecting Tsukasa was just a red herring, Hyoga will be the real big bad soon enough. I wonder if Tsukasa and Senku will properly team up.
No one had thought about Tsukasa’s flaw before this episode. His ideology is basically Anarcho-Primitivism, an ideology that wants civilization return to primitive era with the reason being abolishing the social disparity. Yet this is the same man who is after fame and fortune in the past. With this episode, glad the contradiction of this character has been resolved. Tsukasa’s sister looks similar to the girl in Tsukasa’s What-If scenario Flashback about Senku being his friend, back in Season 1 Episode 2-4. So this was foreshadowed way back.
このエピソードの前まで、誰一人として司に弱みがあるなんて思ってなかったよね。彼の信念は基本的に無政府原始主義で、社会的格差をなくすために文明を原始時代に戻したいという信念なんだね。けど、これは過去に名声と幸運に恵まれた人と同じ男なんだよね。このエピソードで、このキャラの矛盾してるところが解決できてよかった。 司の妹は、シーズン1のエピソード2~4で司の千空が彼の友達であるという「もし、だったら」のフラッシュバックに出てくる女の子によく似てる。つまり、ずっと前に予兆されてたってことね。
no anime is complete without the oniiii-chan
Tsukasa’s allies didn’t notice his backstory, not even Gen, the mentalist. Only Senku noticed how strange it was for Tsukasa to break those stone statues
Not that the name itself is unusual in anime but Mirai feels a bit too on the nose.
Well that was a quick end to the war. Although Hyoga was acting sus once he saw the power of dynamite.
Don’t forget the fact that almost from the beginning of the episode and even after the truce was made Gen’s hands were covered in ****, and they got nothing out of it.
Ukyo is still alive, that is literally all I needed to know
When they showed the entrance, and he was just lying there, bleeding, and alone; like damned guys. But him being back in action with his arrows were the real equalizer; the planes weren’t really reliable weapons. And the 2 groups are pretty chummy for folks who were very recently at war and now are only in a truce.
みんなが入口に出てきたとき、羽京はまだそこに倒れていて、出血してて、独りだったよね;ひどい状態で。でも、彼が矢を持って戻ってきて、戦力が均衡になった。:紙ヒコーキは全然信用できる武器じゃなかったもんね。 2つのグループはついさっきまで戦争したたのに、かなり仲良しだけど、今は休戦中なだけなんだね。
For those who don’t remember, Tsukasa tells Senku the story of making a shell necklace for his sick sister right before he destroys his first statue, at the end of season 1 episode 2.
Honestly, has Tsukasa even killed anyone that wasn’t a statue? The past 2 episodes have some of the best of the entire show. The build up has been nice. Also, I love Gen’s relationship with Senku. As the story moves forward, it will be interesting to watch as how he isn’t the only one from the past to interact with Senku.
My God! Even tho i re-read the manga multiple times i still cried for half of the episode! Its frightening to see what happens when kids a forced to grow up and become a part of the Adult world. Tsukasa’s back story made me respect him so much,such a great and realistic antagonist (minus the lion punching 😀 )
まじか!何度もマンガを読み返したけど、毎回エピソードの半分のところで泣いちゃう。 子供が成長を強いられて、大人の世界の一部になっているときに次に何が起こるのか見るのは怖い感じする。司の過去の話で彼をかなり尊敬したし、なんてスゴくて現実的な敵なんだろう。(ライオンのパンチを除いてねw)
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第10話 人類最強のタッグ
第10話 海外の反応・感想
For some reason, this episode felt extremely different from the rest.. AND I LOVED IT.
Wait a minute… Did he have those batteries on him while jumping in the river?!! I guess they did a good job of making them waterproof. Good job Gen, good job.
The way Taiju poked Senku’s eyes all dramatically as to stop him had me in tears. Hell yeah Tsukasa got his sister back! If the petrifaction and revival can heal the little sister i can only imagine that it could heal all the people that had cancer or other things. Senku with his hair down looks interesting.
千空を止めるために大樹が劇的に彼の目を突く方法に涙ぐんじゃった。司は妹を取り返したね! もし石化と復活が妹を治したなら、ガンとか他のものがある人も治せちゃうんじゃないかなって思う。髪を下した千空はなんだか面白く見えるね。
Damn Hyoga was somehow able to withstand through the opening song power up, also good thing Senku didn’t have his stun on his other hand as that high five at the end would have been quite “”shocking””
They really just high fived as Tsukasa was ****ing dying there what absolute chads.
Tsukasa isnt a darwinist at all. He is way to empathetic. If someone is his community was born blind he would make sure they are cared for and can enjoy their in the stone world. He wouldn’t leave outside to starve
Tsukasa isn’t a Darwinist though. His idea was to choose the young to build a new world without conflict, not to choose only the ‘fittest’ and not to promote conflict. He chose some exceptional people to help him do it but he also chose those absolute apes that were acting as guards. The ideology of a world without conflict is sort of antithetical to Darwinism, it just looked that way because he was an ‘ends justify the means’ character.
Senku may have messed up by reviving Tsukasa, but that’s nothing compared to Tsukasa’s ****ed up when he revived Hyoga. Well, at least he had a brief moment meeting Mirai again.
WHAT AN EPISODE. And wow, are they actually going to kill Tsukasa!? That would be crazy to me. And I can’t believe if he died, I somehow would actually be sad about this. He was a great villain. Very curious to see how this last episode ends, as well as the direction the show will go with the war basically being over.
なんてエピソードだろう。そして、わお、彼らは実際に司を殺そうとしてるの?僕にはおかしく感じる。 それに、彼が死んでるかもなんて、信じられない。これには、なぜか悲しくなるよ。彼は素晴らしい敵だった。 最終回がどんな風に終わるのか気になるなぁ。それに戦争が基本的に終わったときにどんな方向性になるのかもね。
The moon acting as devil horns for Hyoga was seriously cool, this episode was great, both in pacing and animation. Can’t wait for our favourite capitalist next season
In the manga, Senku was practically touching him by the time you finish reading the panels. Since they have to actually say the lines, time passes more slowly and it looks like Hyoga’s just standing there. It’s an adaptational issue and I wish they had added a slomo effect or something or make it a bit more convincing.
Hyoga ****ed up when he assumed Senku was bluffing about science. He’ll lie to people all day about anything else if it will save lies, but he never lies about science.
Tsukasa might have been a villain for most of this season, but damn would I be 10 billion percent sad if he actually dies. Really hope he lives, even if crippled so he’s not as OP.
Tsukasa definitely didn’t have to be pierced there, using his hands in any way, shape or form would’ve been faster and more efficient. But oh welp, shonen will be shonen. The writing needed it. I really enjoyed the fanservice between Senku and Tsukasa, though. It’s super forced but also really enjoyable.
司は絶対にあそこに穴を開けられるべきではなかったね、何とかして手を使って、形や形式はもっと早くてもっと効率的なのがあったはず。でも、少年は少年だね。話的には必要だったのかな。 だけど、千空と司のファンサービスは本当に楽しませてもらったよ。かなり無理矢理だったけど、本当に楽しい。
Loved the scene where the moon seemed like it’s Hyoga’s horn making him look like demon and reference for his name in kanji.
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第11話 海外の反応・感想
So interesting how they mentioned soap being the “Dr Stone” multiple times the last two seasons but now with Senkus dream of using petrification to create a self sustaining world I finally understand the meaning of the shows title.
過去2シーズンで石鹸が「ドクターストーン」だと何度も言っているのがとても興味深いけど、 自立した世界を作るために石化を使うという千空の夢を見て、遂にタイトルの意味が分かったよ。
So wait you are saying that 2 seasons of dr stone where prologue and still was this good. Really looking forward to season 3 now. Dr stone real pirate adventure around the world begins next season . Senku might find one piece before luffy with his intelligence.
ちょっとまって、Dr.stoneの2シーズンは序章に過ぎなくて、しかもこんなに良かったってことなの。もう本当にシーズン3が楽しみすぎる。 Dr.stoneの世界横断の大航海時代が次シーズンで始まるんだね。 千空は彼の知性を使ってルフィよりも先にワンピースを見つけるかもしれないね。
Lots of Kohaku expressing admiration for Senku these last few episodes. 🙂
There are two kinds of people: Those who cried watching Tsukasa and Senku’s last moment together, and liars. Even as a manga reader, that scene hit me hard.
Man, Senku and Tsukasa just chatting and shooting the **** at the end and Senku crying over the Mario tripping balls theory…that hit hard. “Have faith in me and die”. How many people would you trust with those words? Anyways, Stone pirates in season 3 looks like! Wonder how many One Piece references they’ll try to fit in.
千空と司が最後にただ話して、くだらないことを言っていて、千空はマリオのだまし玉理論について泣いていて…それが衝撃だった。 「俺を信じて殺されろ」何人の人がこの言葉で信じれる? とにかく、シーズン3の大航海時代はこんな感じ!どのくらいワンピースを言及していくのかな。
Welp it’s over… for now. Idk about anyone else but for me, Dr. Stone is just a bundle of pure, enjoyable entertainment that’s kinda reminiscent of Saturday morning cartoons. It gives off a different vibe from a lot of other shows and it’s just so fun to watch. Here’s to season 3!
うん、終わりなんだね…今のところ。僕以外に他にもいるか分からないけど、Dr.stoneは 土曜日朝のアニメを彷彿とさせる感じの純粋で楽しいエンターテイメントの塊だった。他のアニメとはまた違う雰囲気で、見るのがただただ楽しかった。次はシーズン3!
Damn, that really did feel like a bittersweet ending of this amazing second season. It was sweet because everyone was working together and being revived, bitter because of Tsukasa. The scene with Mirai saying she’ll protect him in his cryo-chamber got me teary-eyed, so good. It’s safe to say that Dr. Stone has exceeded all of my expectations when I started watching it when season 1 was airing, this season especially; I love this series so much. I don’t know if I can wait for Season 3 either so I’m tempted to read the manga now.
くそー、この素晴らしいシーズン2のエンディングは本当に甘く切ない感じだったね。みんなが一緒に働いて、復活したのは素敵だった、司が悲しいね。未来が冷蔵庫の前で彼をずっと守ると言っているシーンでうるっときた、とっても良かった。 シーズン1が放送されてたときに初めてこれを見始めたんだけど、Dr.stoneは僕の全期待を超えてくるといっても過言ではないね、特に今シーズンね。このシリーズ本当に大好き。シーズン3が出るまで待てるかどうか分からないから、マンガを読み始めたくなったよ。
i love seku to death but god he scares me sometimes lol
And in the next season, Senku will attempt to find the One Piece with science
Wait, everything so far was just the prologue!!??!!! Also, RIP Tsukasa. I loved the bonding between him and Senku throughout the episode. The trust they have towards each other is really deep. I was thinking Senku would do something to cure him quickly after last episode but it isn’t so easy after all. Guess we have to wait for Season 3 to see what happens.
待って、今までのところ全部はただの序章に過ぎなかったの!!??!!! それに、司、安らかに眠ってね。エピソードを通して生まれた彼と千空の絆が大好きだったよ。彼らのお互いに対する信頼は本当に深い。先週のエピソードの後、千空がすぐに彼の手当てを何かするのかと思っていたけど、結局そんなに簡単じゃないってことだね。何が起こるのか見るにはシーズン3を待たなくちゃいけないのかな。
I am 10 billion percent excited about Season 3
Dr. Stone really exceeded my expectations. See you all when Season 3 comes out. Fantastic ****ing season.
Well, to be fair, it’s easy to freeze people. The hard thing is unfreezing them alive, since the ice destroys basically every cell. In this case he wants to use the petrification to heal him, so it makes sense.
うーん、公平のためにいうと、人を凍らせるのは簡単だよね。難しいのは、彼らを生きたまま解凍させること。氷は基本的に全細胞を壊すからね。 今回の場合、彼は彼を治すために石化を利用したいんだね、理にかなってるわ。
I have no idea who that was at the end, but I have the feeling manga readers are probably excited to see him.
Poor mangaka still tormented about his deadlines after thousands of years.
Wow tsukasa really make up his word when he actually want to revive kind people, look how chill all of them with senku group. Joke aside thanks for the studio for keep true to the manga also add some new details and scene in the anime. Such a fun season even though it just have 11 episodes hope they can keep all the momentum in the next season, let’s sail to the grand line!
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