
アニメ『転生したらスライムだった件』2期 海外の反応【2話更新】








I just realized, that if Rimuru gets murdered by Leon, he’ll be the first isekai Franz Ferdinand.


havent seen the ep but this is a recap right? and not the actual first ep of season 2? i dont have to watch it right


Do I need to have seen the OVAs to understand this season?


Nope, this episode give a rough recap of what has happened. The OVA are more of side stories that if i remember doesnt have much to do with the main plot.

いやこのエピソードは今までの総集編だよ OVAはメインと関係ないサイドストーリーが多いです。

The 24.9 really got me


Why are they doing the recap now when its not out till June.


What are you even talking about? Season 2 part 1 starts on tuesday…


What the hell? It is already episode 24?!! So we are now in fall 2021……


At least it brought me back right into the mood for that show. I really missed it and I can’t wait for the third season to kick off!


What a great last episode. Hope we get a season 3!


This episode # is wrong


Honestly? It’s been a while and I don’t have a good memory. I think I needed a recap. I certainly didn’t watch the one at the end of season 1.


Okay so from the thread it seems this was a recap episode and it is safe to skip it?


yea, other than the first 1 minute and 50 seconds of the start of the episode everything else is a recap


For a moment I was surprised when I saw the thread. What a disappointment it was when I realized that it was just a recap. Well, I’m going to watch it anyway.


Season 2’s already over? HOW LONG HAVE I SLEPT


Man I never opened my Crunchyroll so fast, I was happily watching until the same op played lol, its just a recap unfortunately


We did it reddit, we invented time travel!


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My fave slime is back!! but watching Slime again reminds me of my problem with S1: Why does the episode feel so short?! like a lot happened but why does it feel like only five minutes??????
also ED is a bop


We can rest easy nowThat’s a very red flag if I’ve ever seen one

こんな平和がずっと続くといいな。 こんな死亡フラグ見たことない。

It was a solid first episode. I might be in the minority but I’m glad we’re moving away from the “”Rimuru teaches kids”” arc, as I just didn’t really like it at all, and are now back in Tempest. I’m also interested to see how fast this season picks up the pace, as last season the show really took three or four episodes before fully capturing my attention.

しっかりした1話でした。少数派かもしれませんが、リムルが先生をやっているのが好きではなかったのでテンペストに戻って嬉しいです。 1期は3~4話後から面白くなってきたのでどれくらいのペースで進んでいくかも興味があります。

You know, I never expected to see Tiss-sensei and Jeff-sensei outside of the OVAs. Also, for some reason, I completely forgot how Youm looked. Anyway, this was a really nice episode. I wasn’t expecting it, but I really liked the fact that they are adapting some of the skipped content from the previous season.

ティス先生とジェフ先生がOVA以外で見られると思ってなかった。 あと何故か完全にヨウムの見た目を忘れていた。 とにかくこのエピソードはとても良かったです。 1期で飛ばされた内容を脚色していたのが良かったです。

Looks like for the first few episodes they’ll cover the skipped content. Regardless, Banger Opening. Brilliant pacing so far, at least better than the 2nd half of S1. Nice to see they’re taking things a bit slower this time. Animation quality was pretty good, especially during the fight between Shion and Suphia and the sound design and quality are on point. The ED was pretty good as well. Curious to see how far they cover in the first cour. Overall: 8.5-9/10

最初の方のエピソードはスキップした内容をカバーする話のようです。 それはともかく オープニングが神曲 今のところ、少なくとも1期の後半よりはペースが 少しゆっくりしているのが嬉しい。 特にシオンとスフィアの戦いのアニメーションのクオリティはとても良かった。 音のクオリティも良かったです。 EDもかなり良かったです。 1クールでどこまでカバーしているか興味があります。 総合評価 8.5-9/10

Loving Ranga’s new updated look for Season 2. Anyone else catch that? Less cartoony fluffy, more rugged and jagged lines.


I wonder what’s going to happen with Veldora, because at the end of the last season, he was getting flashes of Veldora, is the unlimited cage thing destroyed?

前のシーズンの最後の方でヴェルドラの閃光を受けていたからどうなったか気になる。 無限牢獄は壊されたの?

Feels good to be back with our cast again personally i dont think we needed that small recap but atleast it was short. Hope we get to see more of that fight vs the delegation and they seem like pretty cool characters i like their design atleast. ED is nice and they sure know what we want best Maou Milim in every frame


Luckily I just watched the OVA last week so it felt like quite a natural continuation to me. Though, I can understand the feelings of the watchers that were hyped for the direct continuation after season 1.


It was alright. Btw it seems like they are continuing after the OVAs, inb4 people who don’t understand what’s doing on


Looking back, I should’ve rewatched the first season. Thought the recap would do but I totally forgot certain characters and events.


IT IS GOOD TO BE BACK! I enjoyed the first season, so I look forward to this.
I actually am in the middle of watching the 5 OVAs, so I will try to finish them before next week. The 1st two episodes of them had some nice fan service ;)
Loved him deciding to fight right away lol.


I nominate Suphia as new best girl of the season


I remember season 1 leaving a bad taste in my mouth after the second half of the season was so boring. But this episode made me remind again why I love Isekai Slime: It just fuels my Civilization needs. Just the feeling of that everything is growing and getting better is so good.


The Shion fight part was pretty good, too bad it was so short and cut away constantly.


So, this entire episode is stuff they skipped from last season, and I guess they now understand needed to be shown. That’s why it feels weird.


Rimuru’s speech wasn’t really too peaceful, he looks set on eventually going to war with the other kingdom.
Great fight choreography.


Been waiting almost 2 years to see this season adapted and I was very pleased with the first episode. It’s been a while since I read volumes 4 and 5, so naturally I forgot some of the smaller details and this episode served as a pretty good refresher. 8bit look like they’re going to do another amazing job production wise with this season.


The episode was good but nothing really amazing happened.


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Who’s waiting for the slice of life episodes to end and for the real action to begin? Not me, I am enjoying this steady pace of world building.


I do love the slice of life and world building, I think it’s what Slime does best (at least in the anime), but I’m torn because I also know how great the action is going to be when it arrives.


I like the SoL episodes best, but I hate the speed in which the show rushes through those chapters. Everything just gets glossed over.


The world building is one of the best parts of the show. It’s like watching someone play Civilization progressively


Let take a moment and appreciate HOW THE **** THE EPISODES ARE ENDING SO FAST. seriously now I have to wait for another week. I wanted more slime


Shion’s face though when she was wondering what to do with the Maximum Magic Bullet was really cute. Albis is quite the drinker. Just how many barrels worth of alcohol she just drank lol. Also did they come here to make an alcohol deal with Tempest huh. Loving how chill the anime is so far but this actually makes me tensed as things could get bad sooner or later.

シオンが魔法弾をどうにもできなくなった時の顔がめっちゃ可愛かった。 アルビスお酒をは何樽分飲んだんだろう?笑 彼らはテンペストにお酒の取引をしに来たの?笑 今のところ落ち着いたアニメで好きだけど、悪いことがそのうち起こりそうで緊張してる。

Albis being a lamia with horns is a sight to behold. The way she drank whole ass barrels of alcohol was funny. Sound design still great.


Albis is both cool and adorable. That gap moe.


So what’s the first thing to discuss when meeting with an foreign representative? Cuisine…? Science…? Culture…? A L C O H O L.

外国の代表者と最初に何を話し合いますか? 料理? 化学? 文化? 正解はアルコール

Shion throwing a fit because she wanted to go on vacation with Rimuru had me in tears. She’s probably my favorite of the Kijin.


Anime’s really trying to make me develop a snake fetish. This show’s getting added to the list I’m showing my therapist right under Monster Musume, Fate/Grand Order, and Beastars.


Rimuru is such a bro. Giving out beers to his hard workers. Great boss.


Poor Koby, lol. I will never get tired of Shion antics. Myulan is looking really good. You know, it actually took me until watching the OP to remember that a new volume of the LN was released today. So it seems that this day will be one full of Rimuru for me.

コビーが可哀想笑 シオンの暴れっぷりには飽きないしミュウランは本当に良さそう。 オープニングでライトノベルの新刊がリリースされたことを思い出した。今日はリムルだけの日になりそう。

Should we know who Myulan is? I haven’t watched any slime since s1 aired so it’s pretty fuzzy


Nope. Just what we do know, that she’s under Clayman’s thumb.


The calm before the storm continues. I had forgotten that this series has an enormous ensemble cast on par with a gacha game adaptation, that it can be tough to remember who everyone is.

嵐の前の静けさが続いている。 たくさんのキャラクターがいて誰が誰か覚えておくのが難しい。

Shion throwing a tantrum was actually quite endearing. Not even sure why.


Can I say how gorgeous Albis is? Because damn, she’s really gorgeous! Also, I did not expect the tiger girl to literally transform into a tiger xD. I feel like Shion’s tits are getting more focus this season… and I’m enjoying every second of it! And she’s cute. That tantrum lol. Man, I love this show, just seeing Rimuru do things makes me happy. The episodes feel really short.

アルビスがどれくらいゴージャスか言ってもいいですか?だって彼女は本当にゴージャスだから!それから虎の女の子が本当に虎になるとは思いませんでした。 今期はシオンのおっぱいが前より注目されてる気がしてます。。。彼女は可愛いしあのかんしゃく笑 リムルが何かをやってるのを見るだけで楽しくなるからこのアニメが好き。すごく短く感じる。

Ngl, feels like minimal effort is being put into this season. Characters are being reduced to only their trademark actions/phrases. Story is slow. Doesn’t seem to be a great start to the season


This anime sure doesn’t know how to create build-up, slice of life content for 20 mins just for a 10 second ominous scene at the end. Terribly boring, but I’m sure it’ll get better later…

なんで最後の10秒の不吉なシーンのために日常場面を20分もやるのかわからない。 かなりつまらないけど後から良くなると思います。

I always love it when I suddenly hear Takehito Koyasus voice out of nowhere. I mean I think he was in the first season, but regardless of what I’m watching, when I suddenly a character open their mouth and his voice comes out I’m like “”oh dang I know him””

突然、子安武人の声が聞こえてくる時が毎回好きです。1期でも出ていたと思うけど彼の声を聞くたびに何故か あ、知ってる声だと思ってしまいます。

One thing this show doesn’t shy away from is the wonderful diplomacy with alcohol, like how they traded alcohol between each nation and Rimuru giving out the beer as a reward to the Orcs. Snake girl really packed down all that alcohol. Love the little bits of world building we get in this show as Tempest slowly grows. Also top notch SFX on Shion’s charged up energy ball.

ひとつ避けることが出来ないのはリムルがアルコールを国の取引に使ったりビールを報酬としてあげたりといった、お酒を使った外交の素晴らしさです。 テンペストがゆっくり成長していくのを見るのが好きです。 シオンのエナジーボールの特撮も良かった。

One of my favorite parts of the story finally got animated. Got pretty pissed when they skipped it in the first season.


Every time Takehito Koyasu pops up, I know we all whisper, “”Dio…””


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