
『進撃の巨人』ファイナルシーズンPart1 海外の反応・感想【全16話】ワクワクが止まらない!



Are we not going to talk about MiKasa flashback?


Man I always feel so emotionally dead after most every episode of this season. It’s incredibly well written but ****..


Who is Louise?


Remember in Season 1 during the Battle of Trost? She was the little girl that was saved by Mikasa.

「進撃の巨人」シーズン1のトロスト区攻防戦覚えてる? ミカサに助けられた小さい女の子。

the anime is ending earlier than the manga right? anime is at 109 by episode 11. cover 30 chapters in 5 episodes?


This season will end at chapter 116, the rest will be adapted in a s4p2 or a movie.


I loved the Louisse / Mikasa scene and flash back. Mikasa and Sasha made a huge impression on the girls they saved. And how strong Eren’s influence is growing was kinda cool too see too. The previous seasons feels like a distant memory now.

オレはルイーゼとミカサのシーンと回想シーンすごい好きだったな。ミカサとサシャは彼女たちが救った女の子にすごい大きな印象を与えたよ それと、エレンの影響力が強くなっていくのを見るのもクールだったな。「進撃の巨人」の今までのシーズンが今は遠い記憶みたいな感じがするよ。

Anyone noticed that Gabi ate a piece of potato when she was at the Blouse stables. Too soon?


Breathtaking episode. The animation and background are absolutely beautiful.


What a twist of fate that Gabi was saved indirectly by the very person she killed. Falco grew up with her but clearly understands the difference between right and wrong.


Just as this show portrays how hatred and violence can incite greater hatred and violence, it also remembers to show us how one act of kindness can lead to another. It does such a great job showing human nature for what it is. This episode moved me in a way none of the previous episodes did.

「進撃の巨人 ファイナルシーズン」はいかに憎しみと暴力がさらなる憎しみと暴力を煽ることができるかってことを描いてる。そしていかに一つの親切な行いがあらたな新設を生むかってことも。人間の本質がどういうものなのかをよく見せてるよ。このエピソードには今までのどのエピソードよりも感動した。

Kaya broke the cycle of war. With kindness. Sashas Legacy.


Can they stop rubbing more salt into the Sasha wound, it’s like every week they find a new way to make me remember and get depressed again 🙁




What a fantastic and beautiful episode, Ayane Sakura did a fantastic job with Gabi this episode. Gabi’s scenes hit hard, you can truly see how far she’s been brainwashed but I am glad Kaya is beating up Gabi with facts, and she’s realizing how wrong her world view is. Falco is truly the goodest boi, what a chad. Jean biting Gabi’s head off lmao, he has avenged Sasha.

なんてファンタスティックで美しいエピソード。佐倉綾音(ガビの声優)は今回のエピソードでファンタスティックな仕事をしたよ。ガビのシーンにはガツンときたね、彼女がどれほど洗脳されてきたのかがよくわかる。でもカヤが真実によってガビを論破したのはよかった。そして彼女はどれほど彼女の世界観が間違ってるのか気づき始めた。ファルコはマジでグッド・ボーイだよ、なんてナイスガイ。 ジャンがガビの頭に噛み付いたのには笑ったなw 彼はサシャの復讐をしたよ。

Finally that b**** ass Gabi getting her reality check


I feel like Mikasa’s story is being set-up so that she will have to kill Eren


I feel the same. Her attitude towards Eren is so different this season.

同感。 彼女のエレンに対する態度はこのシーズンではすごく違うよ。

Such a good episode!


the episode gave me serious Chi no Wadachi vibes.


Ok, Google, how can I punch anime character through screen? Or can I order punching bag with Gabi face?

OK Google、どうやったら画面を通してアニメのキャラクターにパンチできる?それか、ガビの顔のついたサンドバッグ注文できる?

Sasha saved kaya from Connie’s dad eating kaya’s mother. Wow hmmmmmm.


That titan was Connie’s father? Was this shown anywhere?


I don’t see many people commenting on it, but Sasha’s dad has a “”south Marleyan accent””? Hmm. I’m really curious whether this is just world building or if it’s gonna be a relevant detail about the Braus family I guess?


Countryside American settlers used old-fashioned English the longest due to being isolated and not taking on influences from urban Americans. Population centers are where language evolves fast, Sasha’s rural dialect wouldn’t change that much in just a hundred years.


The fact that the last scene hits more than Sasha’s death 🙁


After watching today’s episode i lost control and started to read the manga which is literally pain


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