
『約束のネバーランド』2期 海外の反応・感想【全11話】つまらないの!


第3話 海外の反応・感想

The bunker feels ever so slightly too convenient. No dust, no rust, piano was in tune, phone rang as soon as the door opened… and then the wall. Maybe I somehow missed it, but I don’t believe the kids actually explored the secret tunnel they found. It’s probably just a secret exit, but it could very well hold a dark secret.

このシェルターはかなり都合が良すぎるように感じられるね。室内にはホコリもサビもなく、ピアノは調律ずみで、ドアを開けるとすぐに電話が鳴って…そして例の壁。 どういうわけか見落としてしまったかもしれないが、子供たちは見つけた秘密のトンネルを実際に探検したとは思えない。ただの秘密の出口なのかもしれないが、暗い秘密が隠されている可能性もある。

the whole thing with Sonju (i think) was just to describe that demons are still demons and will always eat people.


I was so hyped because I’ve read the manga, this episode could have been gold if they entered the shelter the way it was in the manga.


Man, I love when the OP hits that chorus! I honestly wasn’t expecting them to find something so good! A completely self-sustaining underground shelter! If they’re lucky enough, they might be able to live there for a long time, until they decide to go for the human settlement. But of course, the last few seconds of the episode have to remind us what show we’re watching. It’s never that easy.

おいおい、オープニングのあのコーラスめっちゃ良いな! 正直、子供たちがここまで良いものを発見するとは思っていなかったよ! 完全自給自足の地下シェルター!すごく運が良ければ、人間のための居住地が決まるまでずっと長い間そこで暮らせるかもしれないね。 でももちろん、このエピソードの最後の数秒で俺たちが見ている作品は何なのかってことを思い知らされるな。これは決してそう簡単にいく話では無いんだ、ってね。

That bunker is from William Minerva who is dead now.. It was used by previous escapees….And that call at the end was just a recording…. AND THEY ARE NOT ALONE IN THE BUNKER

あの地下シェルターは、今は亡きウィリアム・ミネルバからのもの… 過去の脱走者が使ったことがあり….そして最後の通話はただの録音…. 「しかも地下シェルターの中にいるのは彼らだけではない」

This is different from manga.. They should have met the guy at the basememt


that secret tunnel connected to the room unlocked by the piano screams bad news to me, plus the bunker with “help”. i definitely knew the hide out was too good to be true. i originally thought minerva might be dead but now i’m thinking he’s a demon if he’s not i’ll be very surprised. i’m wondering when we’re going to see the kids at the farm? or if the farm will catch them on the radio? is the amulet a tracker? i don’t think mujika shares the same mindset as sonju; i don’t think she really wants to eat them. i hope she becomes an ally. this was a really good episode i can’t wait for the next one 🙂

ピアノの音で解錠された部屋とつながるあの秘密のトンネルは不穏な知らせのように感じるし、さらに「help」の文字が書き残された地下シェルターって…。 私は間違いなく、この隠れ家は本当の話にしてはあまりにも良すぎるってわかったわ。
そもそもミネルバは死んだものと思っていたけど、今は彼の正体は鬼なんだろうと思う。そうじゃなかったらすごくびっくりする。農園にいる子供たちはいつ登場するのかしら? または農園から無線で通信するのかな? 貰ったお守りは追跡装置? ムジカはソンジュと同じ考えを共有しているとは思えないわね。 彼女は本当に人間を食べる気はないのだと思う。私は彼女が子供たちの味方になることを願っているわ。 これは本当に良いエピソードだった。次のエピソードが待ちきれない 🙂

This was a great episode! I wonder why the word “help” was written in blood in that room. And what will William say to Emma? Also, does any one know where Norman is? Why is he missing?

今回のエピソードはとても面白かったな!何であの部屋に血塗りの文字で「help」と書かれていたんだろう? そして、ウィリアム・ミネルバはエマに何を話すのかな? あと、ノーマンがどこにいるのか誰か知らない?なんで彼の姿が無いの?

My theory for the “”help”” room is that previous escapees used it as punishment for members of the group. Emma and Ray have a very close relationship with the other children so I doubt any of them would do something bad enough that couldn’t be handled with a talk but could the same be said for previous groups? With an adult no longer around there would be no set authority figure, so maybe the room was used to punish children the group deemed as misbehaving.

「help」の文字が書かれた部屋についての私の考察は、過去の脱出者がこの部屋をグループのメンバーへの懲罰に使っていた、というものだ。 エマとレイは他の子供たちととても親密な関係だから、話し合いでは収まりがつかないほど悪いことをする子供たちがいるとは思えないが、過去に脱出したグループについても同じことが言えるだろうか? 大人が周囲からいなくなって権威のある人物も決まっていなかっただろうから、良からぬ行動を取ったとグループに見なされた子供たちを罰するためにこの部屋が使われていたのかもしれない。

This is the first anime I watch after reading the manga, and I love watching people theorising about things tho I know the answer, very cool to see the ideas everyone has regardless of them being right or wrong


The anime studio definitely has alot of love for this series and can tell its passion product. They are making it far better then manga. All the manga fans saying and complaining it’s rushed and bad. Who cares if it’s rushed. it’s working better this way. I have faith they can save this series.


And you can’t really say if it’s working better or not since we only have 3 episodes so far.


it looks like theyre going anime original now, which is a shame because I really enjoyed the next 2 arcs.


Since the introduction of Minerva I’ve been a little sus about him. Seems to good to be true and this episode adds more mystery surrounding him. Can’t wait for next episode


what if minerva = sonju?


Kinda random but I ****ing love this show


In case any other manga readers were confused about this episode, it’s going an anime original route after this episode and won’t be following the manga.


When Mujika gave Emma the amulet I was like “I reallllyyyy hope that’s just an amulet”. Kept getting these subtle betrayal vibes from them, but seems it’s more on Sonju’s side; and even then it isn’t wholly evil. Just an in it for himself kind of ordeal. Also that “everything is going way too well” anxiety was kicking the whole time, and looks like the ending started to validate me. It’s also really hard to take that weird bootleg Norman looking kid seriously. But I’m happy he’s happy 😊.


Nahh I will trust Mujika. She is too cute to be evil and Even Sonju pointed out that She bonded with the kids too much


Yeah my first thought was TRACKING DEVICE lol


Horrifying how the kids were just one religious excerpt away from being eaten. If Minerva doesn’t turn out to be a cute anime girl who can heal you with her punches, I’m going to be severely disappointed.


Ah, yes, a Minerva like that. Certainly would be helpful in dire situations.


Path unlocked with the piano, phone call straight when entering the locked room, help messages all over the wall… This is where the fun begins now.


I hope all the elements get tied together in an interesting way because it all feels a bit too convenient at the moment.


Bunker has to be a thousand years old if it was built by human(s), but it seemed very tidy and the piano was still in tune. That plus the “help” thing at the end obviously makes me think there’s something more to it. Also I have never noticed red hair piano guy or a piano in the nursery farm, but that sure was a cool door.

もしあの地下室が人間によって作られたものだとしたら、あれは1000年前に建てられたってことになる。けどピアノも問題なく動いてたし何より整理整頓されすぎてる。そして最後の壁に書かれてあったhelpの文字でここには何か秘密があるって確信した。 それと、赤い髪のピアノの男には気づかんかった、ドアはカッコ良かった。

Also I have never noticed red hair piano guy Yeah ikr who the hell is he? Seems fishy


I kinda called it the moment that everything was happy. There was no way there wasn’t some kind of ominous danger lurking at the end of the episode to turn it from wholesome to ohnosome.


After a mostly relaxing episode of the kids enjoying a “”normal”” life we end on that cliffhanger lol promise neverland never disappoints

子供たちが普通の暮らしを楽しんでる緩やかな話の後にあの終わり方。笑 約束のネバーランドはやっぱり間違いないね

Am I the only one who cracks up every time this kid is on screen? He’s just very goofy looking to me, still pretty adorable tho.


So Sonju really just wants to eat that organic human, none of that GMO crap.


Even demons love Phil


I have to admit I didn’t expect Sonju to have such a desire for human meat because of the religion that the two demons follow. Yes, it just forbids eating farm-raised humans but still, the way he was talking about being able to eat human meat again one day by hunting humans surprised me


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