

第3話 友達

第3話 海外の反応・感想

This episode was brilliant And hilariously addressed my exact concerns from last episode: how nobody seems to have cared that he wasn’t just a genius, but way too mature for his age. Well done. Only criticism is that despite how the *** note in this episode (unlike previous ones) was plot-progressing, the subtle, or explicit, *** is still deeply unpleasant. Anime and Japan is growing and improving, but in this dimension they are still sadly lacking.

今回のエピソードはとても素晴らしかったよ。 それに僕が前回まで思っていた、ルディがただの天才ということじゃなくて、年齢にしてはあまりに成熟しているということを誰も気にしていないようなのはどうしてかっていう疑問も解消してくれたからよかったよ。 一つ指摘したい点があるとすれば、前回と違って今回のエピソードであっち系の描写とかはいらないんじゃないかなと思うところかな。ちょっとしたことからはっきりと写っているところとかも含めて、「無職転生」では大人的描写が多くて感じ悪いな。日本のアニメだったり日本には良い部分があって、悪い部分でも改善できている部分も多いと思うけど、あれな面に関して言うと残念ながら配慮とかが欠けているかなと感じちゃうよ。

Do take into consideration though that this a fantasy world based on the middle ages. While not so much with Rudeus (his problem with the opposite gender is of a different kind) some cultures in general does have **** and having gender stereotypes is just the tip of the iceberg.

これってファンタジーの世界ではあるけど、中世を舞台にしているんだよね。 ルーデウスが異性に起こした問題はまた別の問題ではあると思うし、また大したことではないと思うけど、一般的に文化によっては性差別になるし、ジェンダーに対するステレオタイプ的な考え方が出てきてしまっていると思うな。

I am a bit disappointed that he’s not the only one that can do incantationsless spells but the anime makes up for it with everything else. I know he’ll be stronger then anyone else in that world but still


After this episode I really want to drop the anime… And come back when there’s more episodes to binge it all. Waiting all week for just one episode only is just the worst, I need more mushoku asap It’s just too good, can’t wait to see it through the end

今回のエピソードを観終えて、「無職転生」を観るのを中断したいと感じているよ…。 それはもっと話が進んだ時に一気に観るために戻ってこようと思っているからね。1話ごとに一週間待つのはあんまり得策とは言えないね。僕はできる限り早くたくさんの無職転生を観たいんだよね。 とても良いアニメなんだけど、ただ最後まで待てないんだよね。

That argument between Rudeus and Paul made me cry a bit. Not because it was amazing, but because the way me and Rudeus makes arguments against our parents are exactly the same. Sure, he was right this time, but I can’t imagine how painful it must be for a father to hear that from his son. It was totally Paul’s fault. He was wrong here, but it did make me feel bad for him


Cant not see em as a mini Gintoki.


Could someone spoil me on how this anime plays out, does he eventually leave and go to a magic school, adventure, stay home slice of life stuff? Is there a time skip where he grows up or does it follow him around as a kid the whole time?


Pacing still great.


Without any spoilers, how many episodes do you think would cover all of Jobless? I’m really hoping for more than the standard 1 season 12 episodes. Is it a 12 episode season or a 2 cour 24 episode season? #clueless


This season is a two cour with 11 and 12 episodes from what I understand. The LN has around 24 volumes so it will take more than three seasons to cover the story, probably like five seasons, I couldn’t say exactly.


The animation, the characters, the story…I love all of em!


I really like that the dad recognizes his mistakes, accepts it, apologizes to his son for it, and grows from it. Sylphiette is also adorable, and looks to be on track to be a “”unique”” Mage herself. Rudy finding out that she is a girl must have been quite the moment for him; probably his first moment since his reincarnation where his world collapsed just a bit.

父親が自分の間違いに気づいてそれをちゃんと認め、息子に謝って彼自身も成長するシーンはとてもいいよね。 シルフィエットも可愛らしいね。彼女も順調にユニークな魔導士になろうとしてていいね。ルディがシルフィを女の子だと認識した瞬間は相当なシーンだったね。たぶん彼が元の世界から転生してきて初めて感じた相当衝撃の瞬間だっただろうね。

This anime is so gorgeous but also so so so much fun to watch Time flies by

「無職転生」は映像が本当美しいし、見応えもあるよね。 時間が経つのが早く感じるよ。

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