
『進撃の巨人』ファイナルシーズンPart1 海外の反応・感想【全16話】ワクワクが止まらない!



love this episode, as we have seen how yelena and nicolo joined the eldians side… and they have able to eat some great foods prior to that attack…


I really liked this episode even though it was a bit slower paced. It was nice that they took their time on it.


The scenes of Mikasa sitting by Sasha’s grave and Connie saying that him and Sasha were like twins and that half of him was gone broke me ):


Great one this week but I’m really worried how they want to adapt around 30 more chapters in just 7 episodes. Please do not go with anime original ending, it never goes well.


You don’t have to worry about that. We’ve been told there’ll be some kind of continuation after this 16 episode run, whether in the form of a Final Season Part 2 or a movie(s?).


Oh man, i really want a Sasha x Nicolo Spinoff Eren and Pixis look quite different, maybe the style changed with switching studios

ああ、オレはマジで サシャ × ニコロ スピンオフが見たいよ。 エレンとピクシスはすごい違って見えるな、たぶんスタジオが変わったことでスタイルが変わったのかな。

At least our precious Sasha got to try lobster T_T


Eren x Mikasa? Eren x Historia? Eren x Levi? Keep that peasant stuff away from me, in this house we only support Niccolo x Sasha

エレン x ミカサ?エレン x ヒストリア?エレン x リヴァイ? そんなのはどっかにやってくれ。ここでオレが唯一応援するのは、 ニコロ x サシャ だけ

FYI this ship sank before it even starts to sail.


I think last episode was slow paced but still great


this season is hitting different


Thankfully they explained who Yelena was, I was starting to think they Mr. Poopy Buttholed her into the story.


The direction, pacing and voice acting was amazing, MAPPA is doing a great work.


Man,i rlly want Annie back


Felt even worse for Sasha bc of Niccolo and Connie.


Better for her, as she was so loved, but worse for the ones who remain.


I really liked how Niccolo fell in love with Sasha.. Also nice ”This world is cruel”back. Guys who haven’t read the manga lets discuss! What do you think about Annie? Do you think is she going to make a great comeback? I really wanna see a dialogue between Armin and her.

ニコラがどうやってサシャに恋したかってのが本当に好きだったな…それと、”この世界は残酷”が戻ってきていいね。 マンガを読んでない人たち、話そうぜ!アニについてどう思う?彼女は最高のカムバックを果たすかな?オレはマジで彼女とアルミンのダイアログが見たいな。

Man, I already knew of Sasha’s death way before the moment in the anime. But this episode really just nailed in the fact that Sasha’s really gone and I couldn’t help but tear up a little bit.


I didn’t knew it would be this difficult to let go of Sasha’s death ..a week later still in grief.


Ah yes. Introduce Sasha’s love interest after she’s dead. **** you too Isayama


Am I the only one who smiled seeing Sasha devour Nicolo’s food while her friends try to stop her? I miss her already 🙁

サシャがまわりが止めようとしてるのにニコロの料理にがっついてるのを見て笑顔になってたのってオレだけ? すでに彼女が恋しいよ。

Happiest scene of the whole season so far, I smiled too.


I am impressed with how Onyankopon explained to Sasha about why his skin is dark, great work Onyankopon.


I don’t trust zeke. You can’t just kill the legend Erwin like that and come back like nothing happened! Man I wish it was anyone but Erwin 🙁

オレはジークを信用してないよ。レジェンド・エルヴィンをあんな風に殺して、何もなかったかのように戻って来るなんて! ああ、あれがエルヴィンじゃない誰か他のやつだったらよかったのに。

I like that Armin’s VA changes her tone based on the time. Armin sounded softer in the flashbacks of this ep and past seasons. It made me realize that his voice got a bit thicker.


Armin’s seashell had more screen time than Historia…


If you win, you live… If you lose, you die… If you don’t fight, you cannot win… TATAKAE TATAKAE

勝てなきゃ死ぬ… 勝てば生きる… 戦わなければ勝てない… 戦え、戦え  



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