

第2話 怪物屋

第2話 海外の反応・感想

Even knowing how feminine Akira is I’m still surprised just how girly they decided to make him sound. Enjoying the adaptation a lot so far though.

晶がフェミニンなのは知ってたけど、想像以上に声がガーリーに寄せられててびっくりした。 いまのところ気に入ってる。

Shiki forgetting he’s supposed to be an asshole halfway through the pizza scene was one of the funnier things I’ve seen in anime recently. Everyone’s making Bakugo comparisons but I think Shiki is far more likeable.


After what seems like it must have been a lifetime of abuse and neglect for Kabane, Shiki’s attempts to bully and be kind of inconsiderate to him just seem… cute.


Kabane having difficulty sleeping in his new cushy bed is kinda sad and shows just how bad his family has treated him.


Slower pace and action compared to episode 1. Somehow I also felt like the tone of the episode is different. Maybe because Kabane was treated with normal human interaction by Shiki and Akira. I’m liking the trio’s dynamic so far. So glad that Shiki doesn’t become a jerk for more than 1 episode. Akira didn’t identify himself as Hanyo, so I’m curious about what his role would be. Additional note: I almost referred to Akira as her/she everytime I wrote about him. He’s so feminine that it’s a little bit hard to accept the fact that he’s a boy lol.

第1話に比べると、ペース/テンポが遅め。全体のトーンも前回と違う感じがした。夏羽が織と昌に普通の人間としての扱いを受けたからかもしれない。 今のところ3人の動きは結構好き。織が1話以上嫌な奴で居続けなくて良かった。昌は自分のことを汎用とは言ってなかったから、どんなキャラなのか気になる。 追記:毎回昌のことを書くときに彼女って書きそうになる。彼はあまりにもフェミニンで男の子ってことがなかなか受け入れがたい 笑

In the end the person he was talking to, the whole conversation makes it very suspicious about them but I hope it’s to introduce a new character and it’s just fine.


Glad everyone seems to be liking Akira. Out of any manga or anime I’ve seen, his character best uses the trope of “cute girl is actually a cute boy.” And there are actual story reasons that explain his appearance and more feminine behaviors, so it’s not like the author is just pandering to fans of that sort of character without any reason. The explanation itself is very natural too and does not try to call attention to itself like some sort of pseudo-woke moment. Hopefully the anime will have time to reach Akira’s story.

みんなが昌を気に入ってるようで嬉しい。漫画原作のアニメの中で、彼のキャラが「可愛い女の子が実は可愛い男の子だった」っていうあるあるを一番うまく取り入れてると思う。 しかも彼がこんな見た目や仕草をしていることには実はちゃんとした理由があるから、作者が理由もなくただ単にファンにそういうキャラで媚びてるっていうわけではない。 その理由もすごく自然だから、無理やりモラルや社会テーマを押し付けるようなうさんくささもない。アニメ版でも昌の物語に深く切り込む時間があればいいけど。

I enjoyed this episode a lot more than the first one. The chemistry between the kids was fun right away.


The central theme of the show seems to be family. Kabane’s looking for his parents without realizing he’s already creating a new family within Kemono. While I thought the first episode was average, this episode was a lot better. It was not only funny but knew how to tug at your heart strings. The tragic story about the kid shoplifting shoes for their single mother had me teary eyed. Kabane’s speech about being accepted was also very touching.

「怪物事変」の主題は家族なのかな。 夏羽は既に怪物たちとの間で新しい家族を作り出していることには気づかずに、自分の両親を探している。 1話目は普通かなと思ったが、第2話はずいぶん良くなった。面白いだけでなくて、心の琴線に触れるようなぐっとくるものがあった。 子供がシングルマザーの母親のために靴を万引きした悲しいストーリーには思わず涙目になってしまった。 夏羽の自分が受け入れられたという語りについてもすごく感動的だった。

Here we go with all the Bakugo comparisons, I knew this would inevitably come as soon as the anime was announced, but oh well lmao. This episode was incredible. It had almost a completely different atmosphere compared to the first one, and I really appreciate that they went out of their way to adapt chapter 2, since it would’ve been weird to fit into episode 1, but at the same time it’s not a crucial part of the story. OP was definitely a banger too. I don’t want to speak too soon, but KJ is one of my favorite manga, and with the way this is going so far it may become one of my favorite anime as well.

アニメ化されると公表されたときから、爆豪と比べられるのは避けられないと思ったけどやっぱりね、、笑 第2話は最高だった。第1話に比べて雰囲気ががらっと変わったし、漫画の第2章を第1話には含めずに第2話に持ってきたのは良かった。ストーリー上そこまで重要な章ではないから。 オープニングも本当にいい曲だ。 まだ結論を出すには早すぎるけど、怪物事変は一番好きな漫画のうちの一つだし、このまま行ってくれればアニメも一番好きなアニメになりそう。

I would say this episode was good. Not as strong as the first episode, but a good introduction of the rest of the cast. I was hoping there might be more mystery like the first episode that hooked me in the entire time, this one was a lot softer. Hope it has a bit of a mix of both going forward. On new characters I liked Shiki’s attitude of pretending to be a jerk just because it’s how he thinks he should act rather than just being a jerk. Unsure what to make of Akira right now, depends on what they do with his character going forward.

第2話はなかなか良かった。1話ほどインパクトはなかったが、他のキャラを紹介するにはいい話だった。 1話みたいにもっとミステリー要素があるともっと興味が薄れずに見続けられたと思うけど、今回はだいぶ落ち着いた話だった。 今後はもう少しミステリー要素が増えてほしい。 新しいキャラについては、織のヤな奴じゃないのにヤな奴に徹しようとしている態度が好きだった。 昌についてはまだなんとも言えないけど、今後どういうキャラに仕上げるかに期待したい。

I love both the opening and ending themes. Will grab the full versions of each. This is gonna be a fun anime I can feel it. Can’t wait to meet an actual girl next week (I got trapped but I still like all the characters)

オープニングもエンディングも好きだ。フルバージョン聞いてみようと思う。 楽しいアニメになりそうな予感がする。来週本物の女の子に会えるのを楽しみにしてる(ちょっと騙されたけどキャラは全部好き)

It was interesting but I feel like something is missing. I definitely want to see more tho


Maybe that’s just me but the room of the boys gave me some major terrace house vibes concerning the interior design and architecture.


I have high hopes for this one. Kabane, Akira, Shiki, and Inugami are all super interesting, especially Inugami after that last scene, as it shows that he has a contact interested in the Life Stone and that he thinks Kabane could possibly be a threat I’m interested to see how Kabane’s development goes, as he could either grow out of his “emotionlessness” (for lack of a better word) or go deeper into it Overall, not a bad episode. I don’t like it quite as much as Episode 1, but it was good overall

怪物事変に対する期待値は相当高い。夏羽、昌、織、そして隠神はみんなすごく興味深い。 特に隠神の最後のシーンが、命結石に興味のある人物と接触していたのに加え、夏羽が脅威になり得るといった類の話をしていて興味をそそられた。 夏羽が今後、「感情の無さ」(他にいい言葉が思い浮かばない)から抜け出せるか、さらに深刻になるかは見どころだ。 1話ほどは良くなかったが、全体的に悪くない話だった。

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