今回は『進撃の巨人』のファイナルシーズンPart2 85話(10話)「裏切り者」の海外の反応をご紹介します。
I just realized that the lyrics are in Eren’s point of view of how he will sacrifice everything for his friends.
“”don’t cry about the destiny we are born with cause we are all free”” that is quite inspirational if you think about it
「生まれてしまった 運命嘆くな。僕らはみんな 自由なんだから。」 良く考えると、なかなか刺激的だよな。
the similarities between the first and last ending are really cool. i think it’s really interesting how the first one was focused on mikasa, and now the last one is focused on eren.
I love how both the op and ending revolve mainly around eren, this final arc truly belongs to him
Freedom..!!! 🙂
This anime will be legendary.
0:49 damn- oh my god it’s so beautiful
0:49 ああ、とても美しい。
Ngl I cried a bit when it showed the ruins. It just feels sad.
When you realized this season is not about titan is about ending a war
I like this better than the opening
If you now listening all the openings in endings, it perfectly describes the life of Eren! Truly a fitting ending song to the series.
Holy shit. I’ve read the manga and I cannot wait for the final scene of the manga (first one) to be animated with this music in the bg. I’ll be bawling my eyes out.
This is the best aot ending of all time like from the visuals to the lyrics to the vocals and the music, this song is just perfect
Nostalgia over the past seasons and everything that happened in both the manga and anime sure hit me hard…I’m crying right now…
It’s been quite the journey everyone , manga readers and anime watchers alike.. we’ve all been on this journey for about a decade. I’m so glad I’ve been able to follow this series from its inception and see it blossom into one of the greatest series I’ve ever witnessed. When we all come here on the final episode to hear this one last time to close out this masterpiece it will be a very bitter sweet day. And we will all keep moving forward.. Thank you Hijame Isayama for putting out a story I will never forget. Let’s all enjoy this final season together !!
漫画の読者もアニメの視聴者も、みんなこの旅を10年ぐらい続けていることになる。私はこの「進撃の巨人」シリーズを初期から追いかけ、今まで見た中で最も素晴らしいシリーズの一つに成長するのを見ることができて、本当に嬉しく思っている。この傑作を締めくくるために、最終回にみんながここに来て最後にこれを聴くとき、それはとても苦くて甘い日になるでしょう。そして、私たちは前に進み続けるのです。諫山創さん、一生忘れられない物語をありがとうございました。 ファイナルシーズン、みんなで楽しみましょう
i can’t believe it’s ending i feel so heartbroken seeing this ed and knowing what happens, I’ll be so sad
Seeing this ending after finishing the manga… It actually hurts in a way…. Don’t worry anime only folks I won’t spoil it for ya. But, just ready your tissues.
This ending literally sound’s like Aot ending. Which makes me really sad. I moss those days when i thought Collosal & Armored titan where final bosses.
0:50 Eren breaks off the cage and is free on the fields. Just for a moment he’s happy and looks ahead what has cost him and all the beautiful places devastated & abandoned as the older depressed Eren moves forward knowing that
0:50 檻を抜け出し、野原で自由になるエレン。一瞬の幸せを感じながら、自分の犠牲となったものや、荒廃し見捨てられた美しい場所を前に、大人になったエレンは落ち込む。
Yes I’m hype for aot s4 part 2 but I’m not ready😭😭 not ready to cry 🥺 even looking at eren made me sad now😢
This ending really means a lot to me. In 2013, my grandmother and the only parent I had passed away around the same time I began watching AOT. As an 11 year old kid, I really resonated with Eren and how he felt when his mother was killed. Now, having just graduated high school, it feels a lot like I grew up with Eren.
2013年、「進撃の巨人」を見始めた頃、唯一の親である祖母が亡くなりました。 11歳だった私は、母親を殺されたエレンの気持ちにとても共感しました。 高校を卒業した今、エレンと一緒に成長したような気がしています。
引用: reddit